season 2 chapter 16

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(Oof its been a hot minute since ive updates- sOrRy)

^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^

"Well.. Bye losers, me and Will got to go" I said to Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. "Bye guys" Will muttered as he messed with the long sleeves of his costume.

"Bye Y/n" Dustin said, slightly louder then the other boys who just said a simple goodbye to me and Will.

I let a chuckle leave my parted lips as i took Will's small hand into mine. "Lets go" I said as i looked down at him, feeling a smile tug at the corners of my lips.

Will looked up at me, before nodding. And at that, we both started walking.

I hummed some random song as I walked, holding Wills hand.

"Y/n!" A voice that i knew right away called out from my left.

I stopped my humming and looked to my left, and who i saw made my breath hitch in my throat.

Steve Harrington, the man who barley spoke a word to me since last year was calling out my name and rushing up to me like a child.

"Will go ahead and go to the cad" I said as I let my eyes travel from Steve's perfect face to Will.

"Um..okay" Will muttered, letting his eyes fall onto Steve. I let Wills hand go and he slowly started walking, keeping his eyes on Steve.

"Hey Y/n" Steve said as he gasped for air due to all his frantic running.

"Well hello Mr. Don't speak a word to me since last year" I said as I crossed my arms.

Steve's smile faltered at my words and his brows knitted togeather with a look that mafr it hard for me to read his emotions.

"What?" Steve asks. "Listen man. You haven't spoken to me since last year all i get from you are you staring at me like I'm a know what forget that.. What do you want?" I said, sidetracking myself before i said to much in the open school parking lot.

"Well... I was HOPING that i could come here and ask to drive you home so i can ask some questions about last year because you scare me a little bit" Steve said. "Almost made me piss my pants" Steve added with a chuckle.

A unwanted smile played onto my lips. "Fine, ill go tell Johnathen. They better be good questions Harrington" I said before turning on my heels and walking off to Johnathens car.

"Hey Johnathen!" I yelled out as i broke into this weird mix of a jog and a walk. "What?" Johnathen said as he looked at me, looking completely annoyed by my existence.

"Im coming to tell you im riding home with Steve okay byeee!" I sId quickly yo the point my words jumbled togeather.

I gave Johanthen and Will a small wave before I sped walked back to were Steve stood.

I noticed how Steve's eyes never left me. His eyes would track my every move.

"Well, lets go" he said as he started to walk me to his car.

Normally, id feel nervous driving home with people other then Joyce, Hopper, or Johnathen.

Steve walked to the passangers side of the car and opened my door. "Oh well...thank you" I muttered, finding his actions odd.

Steve nodded with a smile before walking to the drivers side and hopping in.

I slide into the passangers seat and shut the door behind me.

Steve's car was nice. The seats were way softer then Johanthens beat up car seats (im just dissing the poor man)

I let my fingers softly grip onto the seats, feeling the texture of the seat.

The sound of the car starting pulled me out of my trance.

My eyes snapped to my left, looking at Steve. "Well, the the questions roll" I said as he pushed his foot to the gas petal.

"So... How can you do all that crazy fire stuff?" Steve asked, taking his eyes off the empty road for a second.

I took in a deep breath, ready to explain the story i had told Dustin, Lucas, and Mike last year.

"Well.. My mother was apart of a KGB (i think) project. She stayed at the National laboratory were they performed medical tasks and genetic mutation on her pregnate body. They told her that her being in the project was "revolutionary" since she had good genes" I started.

Steve's eyes flickered constantly from me to the road.

"Fast forward to when i was born, years before later test subjects. That lab took me from my mother, as part of the deal. My mother, after recovering, came back to the lab with a friend in order to steal their children back, in the end, they both failed and ended up being silenced by the government"

"Silenced how?" steve asked, his voice low.

"High voltage shock, sending both of them into a vegetable like state"


"The doctors started to train me once i turned 4 since they saw i had great potential since i was the only child with a different mutation. Everyone else after me could control things with their mind, while me, i was the oddball of the group..the gunine pig"

"How so?"

"The gene mutation the papa did was dangerous to both my unborn self and my mom since they injected my developing fetus with genetic DNA from a failed older model superhuman and DNA from living test subjects and some animals"

(I'm making half this shit up none of this happened in stranger things but it does in my book)

"And due to that, i became stronger... More deadly. After I hurt someone... They stopped training me."

I remembered that memory quickly...

Burning two men... Making their flesh drip from their bones with no mercy...

"Everyone wanted me killed.... Hell they even tried with a power restricting collar that cut me everytime i moved and shocked me when i tried to use my power."

"So you basically became so strong they started to fear you?"

"Yes. I heard Papa say it himself. Although i never ment to hurt people, it kind of... Happened... Alot..."


"When a feel a strong emotion my body heats up to temperatures that can cause burns to anyone who touches question?" I said, cutting myself off.

"Whats with the numbers on your wrist?" He asked, his eyes wondering to my wrist.

"Oh... 003 means im the third project" I said.

" how many are there?"

That one question threw me off guard...

It was the one thing I didn't many kids suffered like i did? How many went through all the trials? How many made it?..

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now