chapter 14

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Y/n and Nancy sat in two chairs while a cop talked to Johnathen about what he did.

Y/ns foot bounced up and down as she picked at her skin as she felt her anxiety rise.

"Look what we found in their car" a slender cop said as he walked in holding the trios box of "monster hunting" supplies.

The cop talking to Johnathen stood up and walked over to the slender cop and grabbed a bear trap from the box. "What the hell" he muttered as he saw the three cans of gasoline.

"What the hell were you three doing with stuff like this?" The cop asked as he looked in Y/n's, Nancy's, and Johnathens direction.

"" Y/n's throat felt dry as she tried to speak, she felt her body heat rise the more nervous she got.

"You won't belive us if we told you" Nancy said as she stood up.

"Now if youll excuse me im going to go get some ice for Johnathens hand" Nancy said as she stormed off to a side room.

Y/ns bottem lip started to quiver as she stood up and walked to Johnathen as soon as the two cops walked out.

"Listen I'm sorry about pushing you i was just caught in the moment" Johnathen muttered as he looked down at y/n's hands, that where slightly scraped.

"Hey bub its fineeeee trust me i was more worried about you than me" y/n said with a small laugh

Johnathen sighed as he looked down at his bruised hand.

"You beat the hell outta Steve and im proud of you" y/n said as she ruffled Johnathens hair. A small action she always did with Will.

Y/n's eyes became glossy as her mind went to Will.

She should have went in the laboratory with Joyce and Hopper...but it was risky....far to risky...

Johnathen looked up at Y/n, noticing she didn't take her hand off of his head.

"Im back!" Nancy chirped out as she walked to Johnathen and Y/n

Y/n snapped out of her trance and jerked her hand off of Johnathens head.

Nancy slowly pressed a cold wash cloth to Johnathens bruised hands.

"They said that me and Y/n can leave soon..but youll be staying a while" Nancy whispered.

"This is bullshit" Johnathen whispered.

Y/n looked around till she saw a pair of keys on a table.

Without thinking she walked over and snatched up the keys and rushed over to Johnathen and grabbed his wrists, that where cuffed togeather.

"What the hell are you doing?" Nancy whisper yelled.

Y/n stuck a small key into the cuff slot and turned it, releasing Johnathens hands from the cuffs.

"Lets go" she whispered as y/n went over and grabed their box of stuff while Johnathen and Nancy looked at each other than rushed to y/n.

The trio slowly made it outside to Johnathens Car without being seen.

They soon loaded up and drove off...needing to prepare for whats to come.

~~~~~Time skip by Alexei's cheery Slurpee~~~~~~

^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^

Me,Nancy, and Johnathen immediately started setting things up as soon as we got back to Joyce's house.

I used a hammer to put the nails in the bat, Johnathen set up the bare traps, and Nancy poured Gasoline along the floor.

It was late by the time we had finished, traps laid along the floors.

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now