Season 2 chapter 11

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(yall ima write another fanfiction involving 001 called " your beauty never scared me" inspired by "Mary on a cross" by ghost!)

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Hopper stood in the kitchen of his cabin, frying toast in a pan, he made no noise and every where in the house was quiet...yet....he felt like he was being watched...

Unarmed, Hopper turned and gasped.

"Oh, Jesus!" He huffed out as he saw Eleven, standing there, wearing a sheet over her head with two eye holes cut out of it.

"Ghost" Eleven muttered

"Yeah i see that" Hopper said bluntly as he looked Eleven up and down, seeing whst she did to one of his sheets.

Soon he turned back around,  grabbing the frying pan from the stove and started walking to the table.

"Halloween" Eleven added as she looked at Hopper.

"Sure isss" he said in a sing song voice as he platted the toasts. "Buttttt right now...its breakfast, okay?" He said as he looked back at her. "Come on lets go eat" he added as he grabbed a cup full of hot coffee.

"They wouldn't see me" Eleven said as Hopper picked up both plates and a cup of coffee " who wouldn't see you?" Hopper asked, although he already knew.

"The bad men" Eleven said as if Hopper was dumb "What are you talking about?" Maybe he was playing dumb, Eleven rolled her eyes as Hopper placed the plates on the table and sat down.

"Trick or treat" Eleven said slowly, pronouncing every word right.

Hopper looked at Eleven, stunned, he looked around then back at her before finally being able to force the words out of his throat.

"You want to go trick or treating?" Hopper asked and all El did was nod to him. Hopper shook his head and stood up "you know the rules" "yes but--" "Yeah so you know the answer" Hopper said as he gripped onto Elevens shoulders. "No, but they wouldnt see me" "No. Hey. I do not care" he said as he walked Eleven to her seat. "But they wouldnt see me" " all right?" He said as he leaned down to her height. "You go out, ghost or not, its a risk" he said "We do not tale risks all right" he added in a fatherly tone. "They're stupid andddd...." He added as he waited for Eleven to finish the sentence. "We're not stupid...But...Y/n gets to go out..." Eleven muttered as as she looked at Hopper through the small eye holes.

Hopper let out a sigh and stood up to his fill height " the 'bad men' aren't looking for y/n or 003 what ever her name may be! THEY don't even know that she is alive by out there the only bad man who saw her is dead. No one other than Will, Johnathen, Joyce, Nancy, Steve, Dustin, Mike, and Lucas know what she can do, and im 99% sure they would not snitch in her and tell them" Hopper explained.

Yes it was odd to him that Y/n got to stay out and roam around even though she was also once an experiment just like Eleven
..but..... They are not truly looking for her..."Now...Yoi take that sheet off, sit down and eat... Your foods getting cold" Hopper said as he went and sat back down .

Eleven angrily ripped the sheet off her body and sat down, she was hoping to go out and to maybe see see if he still loved see if he was okay...but Hopper stopped always.

Eleven glared at Hopper and watched him pour maple syrup on their food...El looked at the platr and saw it wasnt Eggos...that added to her already bad mood.
"Alright look.." Hopper said as he saw how down and sad Eleven lookrd.

"How about...i get off early tonight...and...go buy us a bunch of candy, we can sit around and get fat, and we watch a scary movie togeather? Hows that for compromise?" Hop said as he sat his fork down on the table.

"C....compromise?" Eleven stuttered out.

"C-O-M-promise. Compromise." Hopper spelled out as he tilted his head to the left. "How about thats your word foe the day? Yes?" He spoke in a gental manner to her..she almost forgot he had yelled at her moments before.

"Its something thats kind like...Halfway happy" Hopper said

"By 5-1-5?" Eleven asked still not fully being able to tell time or understand numbers.

"5:15. Yeah sure" he said" agreeing with the time that she wanted him home. Hopper knew hed have to leave at 5 just to go pick up a bunch of candy for them.

"Promise?" Eleven asked as she slightly hung her head, she knew sometimes Hopper was never on time or didn't come home till late into the night when she was done tucked into bed sleeping.

"Yes" Hopper said, bracing his arms against the table "i promise" he said, looking into her sad looking eyes.

Once Hopper said that..he saw a small smile spread across her face

"Halfway happy" she said with a shoulder shrug as she grabbed up her fork and started to eat the soggy syrup covered toasts.

Hopper smiled as he leaned over across the table and ruffled Elevens short curly, which caused her to giggle and smile at him...

As the days passed on...she thought of him as her father....and he saw her more like his daughter

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now