season 2 chapter 1

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Halloween, the night for ghosts and goblins to roam the streets, was just around the corner.

Many homes were decorated with spider webs, grave stones, skeletons, and many more.

Yet...this Halloween will be filled with more scares and screams than tricks and treats...

"Son of a bitch! Son of bitch!" Dustin yelled as he flipped up couch cushions.

Dustin ran through his house, flipping up more cushions looking for something, while his mother, Mrs.Henderson, sat in a small chair with her cat,Confused.

Dustin rummaged his hands around in the bottom of the couch till he pulled him out and groaned "Another stupid penny!" He groaned out as he threw the penny.

Mrs.Henderson gasped as he cat meowed. "Dusty! Watch it you almost hit mews!" Mrs.Henderson said as he held her small orange cat close to her chest.

"Can i pleassseee check under your cushions?" Dustin asked asked as he looked at his mom.

"Dusty!" His mom went to scold him "Mommm pleaseeeee! Its an emergency!" He cried out as he pleaded.

His mother made this high pitched groan sound as she pushed herself out of the chair, Dustin mocked the noise.

Dustin flipped up the chair cushions and looked around while his mother bounced Mew's in her arms, muttering sweet nothing's to the cat.

Dustin smiled as he lifted up a coin. "Love you mom!" Dustin yelled as he ran off to his room.

Dustin grabbed his walkie talkie and pressed a button "Lucas? Lucas you copy? I got four quarters what's your haul? Over" Dustin asked as he looked at the Walkie talkie.

"Take your puniey (wtf is the word?!) And multiply it by five" Lucas said over the Walkie talkie.

"How?!" Dustin asked as he sat on the floor in shock at his friends total money.

"While you were scrounging around like a homeless bum i mowed old man Humphreys lawn" Lucas said in a cocky tone.

"Old man Humphreys got that kinda cash?!" Dustin asked, still shocked.

"Just call Mike already!" Lucas said getting slightly annoyed.

"You call Mike" Dustin argued.

"I have to go take a shower from doing a real man...over and out" Lucas teased, he knew Dustins mom would never let him do anything like that...but it was fun to tease his friend.

"Mike do you copy?"

A few seconds passed

"Mike do you copyyyy?" Dustin groaned out.

Mike reached out from his small little fort and grabbed his walkie talkie.

"Yeah..yeah i copy" he muttered as he pressed the button

"What the hell are you doing on this channel?" Dustin asked, noticing that Mike was on the channel him and Lucas talked on.

"Nothing" Mike quickly lied as he nitted his brows togeather

"Well Lucas and i have six bucks total...whats your haul?" Dustin asked as he rolled his eyes.

Mikes eyes went wide as he realized he didn't have money "s-shit i dont know yet!" Mike stuttered out as he stood from his small fort.

"What do you mean you don't know yet?!" Dustin asked, now it was his turn to get annoyed with his friend, who has always seemed off since Eleven went missing.

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें