chapter 2

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Hours passed as the group of kids played DnD and yelled loudly while Y/n laughed in the background.

"Oh my god! You guys take this game far to seriously!" Y/n said as she fell backwards on the floor laughing at the kids.

"Yes! Yes we do!" Dustin screeched as he frantically rolled the 20 sided dice.

"Dame...heh well ima leave you kiddos down here to your bored game" y/n said with a smile as she stood up and ruffled Will's hair as she walked by.

"Hey!" Will said with a laugh as Y/n giggled.

The teen girl made her way out the basement as soon as the phone rang.

"Im coming im coming" Y/n groaned out as the phone continue to violently ring.

Y/n rolled her eyes as she took the phone off the hook. "Hello?" She muttered as she leaned agaisnt the counter with the phone agaisnt her ear.

"Hey! Yes Y/n..are you still at the wheelers?" Johnathans voice rang through the phone.

"Um...yes..i am im here till 12..why?" Y/n asked as she twirled the pink phone cord around her index finger.

"Um...i really need your help with something" Johnathan whispered as he frantically paced around the kitchen.

"Johnathen can it wait? The wheelers won't be back till 12...and its onlllyyyy" y/n dragged out her words as she glanced up at the small clock on the wall.

"Its only 6" y/n said..she heard Johnathen sigh on the other end.

"Fuck! Its important!" Johnathen raked his fingers through his hair as his foot tapped on the floor.

As if on que the door busted open.

"Oh my god! I cant believe the entire restaurant was booked!" Karen complained as she threw her purse on the counter and kicked her heels off...her husband, Ted, seemed to be tired of his wifes complaining.

Instead of hanging up y/n pressed the phone agaisnt her chest and looked at Karen.

"Mrs.Wheeler is everything okay?" Y/n asked as she tilted her head.

"No sweetie the restaurant we went to was completely booked even though we had a reservation so our whole night is ruined" Karen said as she started taking the pins out of her fluffy blonde hair.

"Mrs.Wheeler i hate to be a bother especially after what happened but Johnathen, Will's brother, needs me to come home..he sounded panicked so...i really need to get home" y/n muttered.

"What about Will?" Karen asked

"Oh shit...hold up!" Y/n put the phone on the counter and rushed to the basement.

"Will!" The girl yelled as she hopped down the stairs, almost tripping over her footing.

"Will!!" She screamed once again.

"What?" Will asked as he jumped up with his face painted with worry.

"Your brother has either broken something, or his car is broken, or something with things being broken and he needs me to come ill be back at 12 to pick you up" y/n said as she panted, running down the stairs and not falling took alot of work.

"No no dont bikes in the back of your car..i can bike home..because if its Johnathen hes probably broken something that needs to be fixed before mom gets home" Will said with a laugh.

"Are you sure? I don't mind coming and picking you up" y/n stated as she leaned against the railing.

"Yeah I'm sure!" Will smiled.

Y/n smiled as well, than the teen girl walked up to will, kissed his forehead, and ruffled his hair before walking off.

"Your bike will be next to the others!" Y/n said as she hopped up the stairs.

"Mrs.Wheeler! Will said he will bike home...please make sure he starts biking home around 11:30 no later please" y/n asked as she grabbed the unhinged phone and put it back on the wall.

"Sure dear! You need to go help your brother anyway ill make sure Will gets back home" Karen said as she patted y/n's shoulder.

"Thank you so much Mrs.Wheeler!" With that the girl rushed out the door and into her car.

~~~~Tim skip~~~~

Y/n made it back to Joyce's house in 30 minutes to see Johnathens car smoking in the front yard.

"Called it" she muttered as she got out.

"Sorry for calling you home...wait...weres Will?" Johnathen asked, seeing the absence of his little brother.

"Oh..he said he wanted to bike home i tried to tell him id pick him up but he insisted" the girl said with a shrug as she walked to the smoking car, ready to waist her day working on what ever Johnathen fucked up this time.

-----The next day----

^^^y/n P.O.V^^^

I woke up to my alarm clock blasting in my ear.

"Fuck! Shut up!" I yelled as i slammed my hand on the button.

Today was a Monday..god i fucking hate Mondays...

I pulled myself out of bed, took a shower, dried myself and hair, and threw on a skirt, long sleeve t-shirt, and leggins. (Your aloud to change the outfit)

Than i trudged out of my room, most likey looking like a zombie.

"Y/n! Where is Will?" Joyce asked frantically as she rushed around.

"What...he didn't come home last night?" I asked, feeling my heart beat raise.

"He didn't come home?! You where suppost to bring him home!" Joyce yelled as she grabbed two fist fulls of her hair.

"I trusted you to bring my boy home!" Joyce cried out as she looked at me.

Will wasnt home...her little boy is lost...or ran kidnapped.

Thoughts...horrible thoughts rushed through my mind as i flopped into a wooden chair in the kitchen.

Will was gone...i could have prevented that from happening....all of

I felt my body heat rise the more i thought of it all. Joyce was pissed off me at as she called around, looking for her son.

I stood up quickly, ignoring my dizzying throughts, i snatched up my bookbag and stormed out.

It was my fault Will was gone

Something bad could have happened to him just because i didn't pick him up.

I felt tears prickle in my eyes as i walked...Will was close to me...he was like my little brother...a little brother anyone would kick ass for.

I felt angry at myself...IT WAS MY FAULT.

my body heat rised the more i thought about it...

My eyes dashed to the bool bag strap i was clutching was burning.

I squeaked and threw the bad down onto the road.


My thoughts got loud as tears ran down my cheeks.

"SHUT UP!!" As i screamed a heat wave burst out of my body, catching the grass around me on wasn't alot...a small circle around me.

I was breathing heavy as blood dripped from my nose and hot tears dripped down my cheeks.

I dropped to my knees, the fire almost touching my arms.







the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now