season 2 chapter 13

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Y/n walked up to the party, a stunned expression on her face.

"Why is no one else wearing costumes?" Y/n asked as she walked up to the party. "Will, i thought you said everyone was gonna dress up?" She added.

Will shrugged his shoulders as the bell rang, signaling everyone needed to get to class. "Well... No turning back now" y/n said as she walked through the dounle doors. "Crap" Dustin whispered as he and the party followed behind Y/n.

Y/n walked through, acting brave and fearless although se was highly embarrassed on the inside. Teens and tweens laugh as they walked through the halls.

"Oh my God!" A kid said with a laugh.

"When do people make these decisions?" Dustin asked as his face flushed a light shade of red. "Everyone dressed up last year.." Will muttered sadly as he looked at everyone. "Its a conspiracy! Im calling it" Y/n added, acting normal and NOT embarrassed. "" Mike whispered.

"Who ya gonna call? THE NERDS!" A teenage boy called out, followed by a fit of laughter...

~~~Time skip~~~

^^^Dustin P.O.V^^^

I snatched open my locker, but a sound caught my mind. I looked to my left and thats when i saw.. Max... Skating down the halls on her skateboard. My eyes follows her and so did Lucas's.

"We gomna do this?" I asked, not taking my eyes off Max.

"Not right now.. We look like morons" lucas whispered back. "Maybe she likes Ghostbusters" "of course she likes ghostbusters! But thats not the point..the point is.. Were dresses up and she isn't" Lucas and i said, bickering back and forth.

"I didnt bring regular clothes.. Did you?" "No".

I let out a loud sigh "Then.. We have no choice. We gotta do this.. It's now or never". Lucas took in a deep breath and rolled his shoulders . "Right!" He said. "Lets engage" I said as i took a step forward, yet as soon as i did, Max slammed her locker door shut and walked off.

"Or... We could ask her after class" I said as I looked at Lucas.  "Yup!" He said quickly as he turned around on his heels and slammed his locker door shut. I let out another sigh before turning around and shutting my locker too and walking to class.


^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Joyce held up the drawing that she had found on Wills desk earlier this morning when she was looking for the tape.

Her and Hopper compared how similar the surrounds of the drawing looked to the outside.. All was spot on other then the red lighting and huge looming monster of darkness..

"See? Its an exact match" Joyce said, speaking quietly as Hopper held the paper in his hand.

After a few more minutes both went inside to talk about the.. Situation...

"But... Why would he lie to me?" Joyce asked, almost frantically as Hopper lit up a cigarette.

"He's just a kid Joyce" Hopper answered as he took a long draw frim the cigarette then pushed the smoke out through his lips.

"I mean.. You've heard him describe these episodes, its not like hes describing a nightmare. Hes talking about them like... They are real..." She said, going quieter as she spoke.

Hopper looked at her, blank faced before speaking "Yeah, because theyre not nightmares, they are flashbacks" he said. "I know a couple of guys who had these things, and it feels like your there like its happening" Hopper saod as he took another draw from the cigarette.

"Then what the hell is this?!" Joyce asked frantically as she picked up Wills drawing and slammed it down on the table in front of Hopper.

"Owens said it would get worse"Hopper muttered as he looked away from Joyce. "That place..." Joyce started but Hopper cut her off. "What do you wanna do? You. Wanma drag him back to Chicago?" He asked before pushing himself up out of his seat.

"Well...ah...well there's that guy in Boston that supposed to be.." "Theyre all a bunch of quacks they'll all tell you the same thing just cost you more money" Hopper said before standing in silence for a minute.

"I think hes right... About trauma... And were coming up on a year ya know? I thinl everyones on edge. Me, you, But Y/n and Will most of all" Hopper said.

Hops mind trailed to how Joyce would rant or talk about how Y/n has been acting since Will came back from that place. Shes been protective, too protective. And after every episode, after every doctors visit, after every late night cry, and after holding Will through the night after he woke up from a nightmare, y/n gets more and more protective over her "baby brother".

"I think we just gotta... Get through the next few weeks" After that he paused and Joyce let out a rather loud sigh, as if wishing everything would go back to how it was..

"Nothing's gonna go back to the way it was...not really... But.. I swear to you Joyce, it will get better, i promise" Hopper said as he looked at Joyce with such a tender look in his deep normaly harsh sharp eyes. "In time" he added, not breaking eye contact.

Joyce felt tears start to brim in her eyes. She turned away from Hopper and reached for her pack of cigarettes, but Joyce noticed that the pack was 100% empty due to her stress smoking after the morning.

"Here" Hop said gently as he handed Joyce his lit, half smoked cigarette. Joyce muttered a small thank you as she took the cigarette and pressed it to her lips, taking a hit from it.

Joyce erupted into a coughing fit and Hopper chuckled at her "Jesus! Hopper" Joyce said loudly as her fave was contorted into an expression that even Hopper didn't understand.

"Brings me back to old times" Hopper muttered. "What?" Joyce asked. "Sharing my cigarettes between.." "Fifth and sixth period" Joyce added, finishing Hoppers sentence. "Yeah, under the steps" Hopper said with a chuckle, remembering it like ot was yesterday.

"Mr cooper caught us that time, remember? He was like "hey ass holes!" " Hopper said, mocking an older man's voice.

Joyce giggled "we ran. We just ran" she said, the soon busted out laughing remembering the time they ran away from Mr. Cooper, laughing as they did.

Hopper looked at Joyce, this was the first time he had seen her relaxed and laughing, maybe

Just maybe...

This was a step forward...

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now