chapter 11

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(I know not alot of this is accurate to the show and i do appolize for that I will make more accurate stories in the future!)

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Y/n awoke from the couch and sat up...

After the search party had ended Joyce stayed out longer, looking for Will, while her and Johnathen went home, being to tried to continue the search.

Y/n groaned as she pushed herself up and stood on her shakey legs.

Light shined through the windows as she rubbed her heavy eyes.


"Huh?!" y/n spun around on her heels and looked at who had called her name.

"Are you okay?" Joyce whispered as she eyed y/n up and down.

"Yeah I'm fine..." She stumbled out as she swayed side to side.

"Than why are you home from school?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

Y/n's eyes went wide "oh shit....i over slept and Johnathen didn't wake me!" Y/n yelled as she went to rush off.

"No...stay home....its fine" Joyce said with a weak smile as she went to the kitchen.

Y/n sighed and ran her fingers through her messy, knotted hair.

~~~~~Time skip by 001's fat ass 😩~~~~~

^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^

I was sitting on the couch, watching Looney tunes(or toones) (someone correct me if my spellings wrong) when i heard a knock on the door.

"Y/n can you get that?!" Joyce yelled from a chair that she had sat near the phone.

"Yeah!" I yelled as i stood from the couch and hopped to the door.

I didnt bother to look out the peephole i just opened the door..

Behind the door was the chief of police, Jim hopper.

He towered over me and was quite scary looking...

"Is Joyce here?" He huffed out as he put out his cigarette.

"Um yes!...mooooommmmmm Hoppers hereee!" I yelled as i walked away from the door and flopped back down on the couch, fixating my eyes on the TV.

"Hey Hopper" Joyce muttered as she walked to the door.

"Hey...i think i know where your son is...." Hopper said softly lowering his voice.

"Where?!" Joyce said as she gripped onto the wooden door frame.

"I think he snuck into Hawkins national laboratory" he said as his eyes dashed around.

"THE NATIONAL LABORATORY?!" I chimed in as i jumped to my feet.

Hopper pushed the door open as he looked at me.

"Stay out of this kid!" He huffed

"NO! THAT PLACE IS BAD NEWS HOPPER!" I screeched as i stomped to the door.

"What?!" He said as he looked down at me.

"THAT.PLACE.IS.BAD.NEWS!" I slowed down my words incase this dumbass didn't understand.

"And how do you know?! Hm?!" He said getting more irritated the more i spoke.

"Ive been in there more than once Hopper....that place.....isnt a good place....if..if will snuck in need to find him......" I spoke lowering my tone, as my mind became foggy.

Joyce looked at me than Hopper, who had his cold eyes fixated on me.

Next thing i know, Hopper grabbed my arm and dragged me outside with Joyce following.

"LET ME GO!" I hissed out as i dug my heels into the ground, forcing Hopper to stop dragging me.

"NO! you know how to get in! So your going to help us so we can find Will!" Hopper yelled out as he looked at me.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?! I CANT GO NEAR THAT PLACE!" i yelled as i jerked my arm away from him.

"Why?!" Hopper asked, leaning down to my height.

"I have my reasons.." I spoke as i turned and went to rush off.

"" Hopper said as he grabbed my arm again.

"Hopper let me go" I spoke softly as i kept turned away from him.

"No you cant give a good reason your coming and helping me and Joyce" he said as he opened the backs seat of his police cruiser.

"Hopper...she dosnt need to go" Joyce spoke calmly as she walked up to hopper.

"She does....she knows how to get in....she can help us"

Joyce went to open her mouth to speak, but she quickly closed her mouth.

I groaned as Hopper put me in the cruiser like i was a criminal, than shut the door.


"Well hello three" The blonde spoke softly to me as he walked into the rainbow room.

"Hello" i whispered as i sat on the cold floor, hanging my head low.

"What's wrong?" He said as he kneeled down infront of me.

"Nothing" i lied.

The blonde man gently hooked his hand under my chin and tilted my head up, making me look at him.

"Oh Lord.." His eyes fell on my bloody lip, and bruised jaw.

"Who did this?" He asked as he wiped his finger over my lip, wiping the blood off.

"No one" i whispered as i moved away from him.

"Come not dumb y/n.....who did this?" He asked again, with sorrow in his eyes.

"W-what?" I asked...he called me...Y/n.....thats...not my name....

"Tell me...who hurt you" he spoke again, his voice going low
(No they don't have a thing for each other shes 15 and 20's early 30s its a father daughter relation ship-)

My eyes dashed around the room, till...they landed on 002,006,and 004.

The blonde looked at where i was looking and nodded.

"Come with me...." He said as he stood up and held his hand out to me.

I nodded and took his hand as i stood up...

"Y/n...we're here" Joyce said as she opened my door.

"Oh thanks" i whispered as i got out.

I felt all the hairs on my body stand on ends as i looked at the laboratory...the same place i had escaped from all those years ago...

Now i was back and about to voluntarily go into there.

I felt my body heat rise.

"I can't go in there" i protested as i turned ny head to look at Hopper.

"Well you are" he said as he hooked his hand around my arm.

I looked back at Joyce, fear written on my face...all she did was shrug....

No one was thinking about me.........their mind where on Will.

I needed to go in...for what if they get least we will find Will............

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now