chapter 5

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Time seemed to tick by slowly as Y/n zoned out, her eyes fixated on the window and not her Algebra work.

Cars zoomed by and birds hopped along, it created a peaceful sence, yet Y/n's mind was all but peaceful.

Y/n was traped in her thoughts that stayed on Will and Eleven.

Will was gone or dead and Eleven had escaped Hawkins national laboratory.

"Miss L/n!" The snarky woman hissed out, making Y/n jump slightly and made everyone in the room turn to look at her.

"Um yes?" Y/n muttered cocking her head.

"Are you paying attention?" The teacher hissed out setting down her ruler.

"No Ma'am" y/n said bluntly, stairing into the Teachers dull green eyes.

"Well pay attention your Algebra is FAR more important than what's going on outside"

What's going on outside......

Outside was a danger yet covered it with peaceful beings to comfort the lonely while Dr. Brenner continued his sick experiments on the young, corrupting there minds and silencing there parents.

"Yes Ma'am" y/n whispered as she heard snickering coming from a row beside her.

Y/n lifted her heavy head and looked at the person....Steve Harrington...the jackass fuck boy of the school.

"Freak" he whispered before turning to face the front.

Y/n didnt understand why Nancy..who was a relatively nice girl would date such a jackass who tried to make everyone's lives miserable.... Especially Johnathen and Y/n.

Y/n sighed as she picked up her pencil and staired down at the taunting equations.

^^^Mikes P.O.V^^^

I had raced home quickly after everyone got to class. I couldn't leave El alone when theres a potential my mom could find her.

I peddled faster on my bike till i saw my house come into view...thank god my mom's car wasn't in the driveway.

I quickly parked ny bike and rushed to the backdoor, the only door that dosnt lock.

I fumbled opening it but once i got it i raced down stairs.

"El?" I whisper yelled to keep from frightening her.

"Mike" her hushed voice spoke out from the darkness of the basement.

I flipped on a light switch and saw El under the small fort i had made for her.

I sat down infront of her with a small smile...

Maybe this once i could stay out of school...for El.

~~Time skip~~

I was showing El around the house while joking...but that's when i heard a car pull up.

"Shit that's my mom!" I grabbed Elevens arm and pushed her up the stairs as soon as my mom opened the door...i just know she heard all the commotion.

"Who is it?!" My mom yelled "Its me mom!" I yelled as i pushed El into my room and opened my closest.

"Hide in here ill be back" i whispered as Eleven walked into the closest and i shut the door.

I slowly walked out of my room and down stairs where mom was.

"Mike...what are you doing out of school?" My mom asked as she walked up to me.

"Oh..i wasnt feeling throat was scratchy" i lied

"Mike...i know all of this with Will is hard" my mom said as she sat down on the couch....she knew I was lying.

I sat next to her and hung my head low.

"Hey its okay Mike...take as much time as you where close to Will" my mom whispered as she rubbed my back.

"Thanks mom" i muttered keeping my eyes locked on the floor.

Mom kissed my forehead than stood up.

"Well...ill leave you alone now...but if you wanna talk to me you can baby" mom said with a smile before walking off.

I sighed with relief than jumped up from my feet rushing back to my room.

Once in my room i yanked my door open, shut it slowly than stumbled over to my closet and pulled the doors open.

Eleven sat on the floor, her knees to her chest as she cried.

"Hey whats wrong?" I whispered as i dropped down to my knees and looked into her eyes....she looked traumatized....

(May contain stranger things season 4 spoilers)

"Well hello three" a blonde man said as he sat crisscrossed infront of me.

"Hi" my voice was hushed as if i was scared to talk to him...but i was also struggling with my powers.

"You struggling?" He asked with a small tilt of his head. All i did was nod to him.

"Ah..i see...having a diffrent power is hard" the blond said as he picked up a paper swan i had made moments before.

"Did you make this?" He asked as he fluttered the little paper wings.

"Yes" i whispered rocking back and forth slightly.

"Wow...its really good" he said with a smile as he pat my buzz cut head.

I giggled as i averted eye contact with him.

" where trying to burn this little paper swan?" He asked me and all i did was nod.

"Okay" he said softly as he sat it back down on the rainbow floor.

"Try focusing only on only the Swan..." He said as he closely watched me.

I huffed slightly and fixated my eyes on the paper swan.

My brows knitted togeather the more i focussed.

I soon felt blood run down my nose...but..the paper swan bursts into flames before quickly faltering.

I smiled and looked up at the blonde.

"Good job" he whispered as he whiped the blood off my upper lip.

I smiled slightly...but than....Papa busted into the room.

I jumped to my feet and rushed over to yhe two lines.

I look down on my left and saw Eleven...she looked scared.

"Good morning children"

"Good morning papa"

"Are we ready for today's training?"

"Yes papa"

All the kids spoke in unison till Papa told 10 to open the door and lead us out..

"Hey eleven" i whispered to the small girl.

Eleven jerked her head up and looked at me.

"Hey itll be okay youll go great this time" i whispered with a smile as i patted Elevens back.

Eleven smiled slightly at me. "Thank you" she muttered.

I nodded and walked side by side with the girl....

Eleven wasnt the strongest when it came to her powers but i believe in her...i believe she'll grow stronger......

...I believe she'll save us all......

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now