Chapter 28-The Final Fight

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A couple hours later me, Scott, Isaac, Peter, my dad, Argent and what's left of Jackson's body met in an old abandoned warehouse to try and save Jackson but little did we know Gerard was there waiting for all of us.

"Isaac." I gasped as I saw an arrow flying out and land directly into his chest "come on." Scott muttered as we picked him up and dragged him away from the others "you ready?" I asked them "yeah." They both said as the three of us walked out in our werewolf forms.

As the four of us began fighting with Jackson I ran at him but he grabbed me by the throat and threw me across the room when all of a sudden I see Scott grabbing my father's head pulling him back as Gerard places his arm into his mouth making my father bite down.

As I look up at them seeing black blood ooze out of his arm,eyes,nose and ears as he pulls out his pill bottle taking them out and crushing them "mountain ash!" Gerard yelled as he falls to the ground.

Shortly after Stiles jeep rams through the building as Lydia steps out of the car and over towards the kanima "Jackson!" Lydia yelled as she holds up a key to Jackson's face "Lydia!" Stiles shouts as he tries to run towards her "no don't." I said as I pushed him back as all of us watch him change back into normal Jackson.

While my father and uncle stab him with there claws making Jackson fall down to the ground as I turned away from them feeling arms wrap around me looking up to see Isaac standing in front of me as we start to walk away before we hear claws scratching against the pavement as we turn back to see Jackson now standing up as a werewolf.

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