Chapter 2-The First Day Of School

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The next day arrives as I wake up hopping out of bed I head to the shower. Once I finish my shower I head into my room and get dressed.

After I finish getting dressed I head downstairs to eat some breakfast before heading out "morning pumpkin

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After I finish getting dressed I head downstairs to eat some breakfast before heading out "morning pumpkin." My "dad" said "morning dad." I replied giving him a kiss on the cheek as he hands me a piece of toast "you want me to take you to school?" He asked "nope I got a ride." I said hearing a horn honking outside "that Stiles?" He asked "yep, gotta go." I said heading out the door and towards his car.

Once we arrive at school we wait in front of the entrance for Scott to get here "hey." Scott said as he ran up to us "hey, you okay after yesterday?" I asked him "uh, yeah, sort of." He replied "no way you didn't tell her?" Stiles questioned him "tell me what?" I asked with a look of confusion on my face "just show her." Stiles said as Scott lifted up his shirt to reveal a huge bandage on his side.

"Holy shit, that happen to you last night." I said "yep, it was to dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott replied "a wolf bit you?" Stiles asked him "uh-huh." Scott replied as we started walking towards the school "no, not a chance." I replied "I heard a wolf howling." Scott said "no, you didn't." Stiles said "what do you mean, "no I didn't"? How do you two know what I heard?" Scott questioned us.

"Because California doesn't have wolves, okay?" Stiles replied "yeah not for like 60 years." I said giggling "really?" Scott asked us "yes really there are no wolves in California." Stiles sarcastically said "all right, well if you guys don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me when I tell you I found the body." Scott replied as me and Stiles looked at each other in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked him "nope.....I wish I'm gonna have nightmares for a month." Scott replied "oh god, that is freaking awesome. I mean this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since.....since the breath of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia you your gonna ignore me." Stiles said as I chuckled at him "oh please, she is way out of your league man." Scott said "yep I agree the day she gives you even the slightest bit of attention is the day the world is going to end." I replied as we make our way into the school and head to our first period.

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