"You are not to be talking about confidential information. Only the staff need to be concerned with the whereabouts of students." I heard a deep voice speak up, I looked up again, noticing Severus was once again standing over the table. He stared back at me, nobody speaking up or moving. "Apologies...Sir." I forced a smile, and he lingered a second longer before walking off again. I believe since the rumor of the prank went around, they had a few teachers walking around. Both Snape and McGonagall were pacing up and down the aisles between tables, listening, we would surely have to be quiet about it, for now. "Let's talk later, yeah?" They all nodded in response, and I smiled back at them. 

Now all I have to worry about is the prank. Just like that, the two students had perfect timing. I heard one of them, about 2 seats down, talk to the other. Thankfully there were no students between us, unfortunately, there were no teachers around. Although...perhaps I could use this to my advantage. I mean, I am prefect, I should be able to handle this on my own. 

"Ben, I'm a bit worried. I didn't think the prank would get this much traction." One of them spoke to the other, keeping his voice low to make sure nobody could overhear them, even though I could. "It's fine, Andrew. Nobody will know it's us." Little did they know...


After lunch, I made my way to the Slytherin common room, walking at a very fast pace. I wanted to make sure I was there before the two students got there. Once I had gotten into the room, I noticed Calidora sitting at a table towards the wall. "Have you seen them?" She looked up from her book, she tilted her head before her eyes widened and she quickly shook her head no. She put her book down and ran after me as I walked out of the room. I had gotten out of the room and was headed towards the potions classroom when I noticed the boys already sneaking around outside the door. I quickly sped down the hallway with Amelia right behind me. 

As I got closer to the potions room, the two boys made their way inside. I ran the rest of the way down the hall, making it there with Amelia hunched over to try to help her breathing. By the time I looked into the room they were already throwing things on the floor that were once on the shelves. "HEY, STOP!" they immediately paused, one had just thrown a cauldron at the wall and the other was holding a vial of something. "Put it down, now." He quickly handed me the vial and they both ran out of the room. As I looked over at Amelia I noticed Severus walk in and look at me, then look down to the vial in my hand, then back up at my eyes. "What do you think you're doing? Freeze right there." 

I furrowed my eyebrows confusedly before looking down at the vial. "Oh, you think I did th-" He held his finger up, shushing me, before dashing out of the room. Amelia looked at me with a nervous look and I shrugged. "I told them about the prank...they wouldn't think it was me...would they?" She gave me a sad look before Severus returned with Professor Dumbledore in tow. "Oh my..." Dumbledore gave me a look that screamed pity and disappointment.

"No, no. This wasn't me! I was trying to stop them before you got here, I swear!" I looked at Severus who was looking at me angrily. "Now, now. Let us give Miss Conway a chance to explain everything." Dumbledore clasped his hands together as they waited for me to speak. "So, like I said, I was trying to stop them. I ran in right after they had started messing with the room. I yelled at them, and they ran!" Snape was glaring down at me before Amelia spoke up next. "She is telling the tru-" Severus turned toward her and held his finger up, "Out." She left the room without even questioning him, which upset me.

Dumbledore looked at him, "I'll let you figure this out. I have business to take care of. Have a good evening, the both of you." He smiled at me before leaving the room. I then turned back toward Snape. "Listen, I know I am not exactly the best student, but I definitely would not alert someone to the prank I plan to pull. That is a dumb move." He signed before pointing to a desk, asking me to sit. I did that, not wanting to get into any sort of trouble over something I did not do. He sat in the chair in front of me, turned toward me. "I need the names." I furrowed my eyebrows a second, "You believe me?" he nodded once and then asked me again, "Names?". I grabbed one of the notebooks I sat down earlier and wrote down the two names I had heard at lunch.

Benjamin + Andrew

He shot me a glance quickly, "You don't have last names?" I shook my head softly. "No, but I know they are first years, and in Slytherin. They sat two seats down from me at lunch." He stood up and took the paper from me. "You may go." I nodded slowly and got up, I grabbed all of my items and then left the room.

Once I was back in bed, I remembered the item wrapped in paper that he had handed me. Surely if he really didn't want me to open it, he wouldn't have given it to me. I smiled, content with my own explanation before slowly opening the paper.

Heathen (Severus Snape x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang