"That, that hurt, I gotta say, you do have some muscle in you" he says and sighs. He smelled like cigarettes and old, like an old dirty man that has smoked his whole life with a scent of burning wood.

His breath was hot and probably hadn't brushed his teeth or his mouth was so fucked up from all the smoking that caused his mouth to smell like rot.

"Let me fucking go you bastard!" I yell and try to push him off of me but he also had some muscle to him.

I start punching him and scratching him but he doesn't budge. He slaps me once and grabs my throat. And that was the first time since the whole beginning where I felt I was literally going to die. I struggled to breathe and started trying to remove his hand off of my neck but he would put more pressure.

"Are you done!" His voice said but sounded distorted and my ears started ringing really loudly. I also still heard the multiple amount of gunfire but still very distorted. I'm going to die. I nodded and he removed his hand from my neck but tightened his legs around my waist so I couldn't move.

I started breathing heavily trying to gain my oxygen back but he had started touching my arms. "Please! Please let me go!" I said what I thought was loud but was quiet. He shook his head.
TRIGGER WARNING!⚠️ (skip this part if you would like to)
He ripped my shirt off and held my hands above my head so even if I tried I couldn't move them. He started touching my breasts and my stomach. I shut my eyes and cried because I was helpless. "Stop, please, just stop!" I begged as he continued "shut up!" He yelled. I turned my head and looked at the man that I had shot.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered and took my bra off. Oh my god, this is actually happening to me.

I cried harder and harder but I knew that once Elijah and his guys were done downstairs he'd come for me. At least I'm not dead.

He continued touching me and eventually I gave up and froze. My whole body froze and I couldn't move even if I wanted to. He kissed me on the cheek and kissed my neck. He had let my hands go but still I held them there afraid he'd shoot me or strangle me to death this time.

I held them above my head still, frozen. He stood up and started touching my legs. And all I could do was cry. I didn't do a damn thing about it. I didn't fight anymore. I didn't help myself get out of the situation.

He touched my thighs, breasts, stomach, and my arms. He had ruined every part of me and I wanted to kill him for it.
Continue reading here if you skipped!⚠️
He got back on top of me and the gun shots were now over but I still heard people fighting. Suddenly the door flung open and never had I been so happy to see someone. Elijah.

The man turned around and grabbed his gun and and me with it. He got behind me and pointed the gun at my head. I still had no shirt or bra on and Elijah's face when he saw me with only pants told me so much yet so little.

"Put the gun down" Elijah said furiously. He looked at me and ask me if I was okay. I nodded barely and continued crying. "You put the gun down or I'll kill her right here right now" the man said. Elijah hesitated for a couple of seconds, "okay, okay" he said and put his hands up putting the gun down on the floor slowly and kicking it to the hallway. "Elijah don't" I said "SHUT UP!" The man said to me and pushed my head with the gun.

"Jane" Elijah said to me and asked me to be quiet through his eyes. I stayed silent.

"Didn't expect anyone to be home, but here we are aren't we" the man said so calmly "here we are" Elijah said "so, mainly the reason my guys and me broke in was because we wanted to rob your place, but this little bitch killed two of my guys, and you, well, you killed many more of them. So, now, I need you to go ahead and write me a big check. I mean big, and I know you have the money to do so because well, you live here" he said and chuckled.

"Yeah, okay, h-how much" Elijah asked "well let's see, I need $500,000, just because I'm being nice" he said "yeah, o-okay" Elijah said. $500,000? That's a shit ton of money.

"Yeah, so, go to your little office or whatever you have and do it" the man said and started walking slowly closer to Elijah. "Okay" Elijah said and started walking slowly in front of us to his office. Is he actually going to give some asshole guy $500,000?

We all walked slowly and he got to the door and opened it. He immediately started writing a check for the guy and all I could do was cry.

"Here, $500,000" Elijah said and have him the check. "Good job, that wasn't so hard was it" he man said and took it. "Now what" Elijah said "now I need you to walk downstairs and wait, I need more, playtime" the man said "no" Elijah said "no?" The man questioned and held my body tighter "no" Elijah said and looked psychotic.
Author's Note
Hi guys, I did cut the chapter in half so the next chapter is part two of this one. Anyway, thank you guys for y'all's support so much. Also, I would like for y'all to give me some ideas on what to continue writing the book about. Like, a wedding, a pregnancy, something interesting that y'all think would be fun for the characters. I love y'all and thank y'all for being patient with me🫶🏻.

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