42 ~ The Sensual Apology

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A part of me did not want to talk to him but another one wanted to go to him and check out on him for once. And, the third thought which was seeming more accurate was the circumstances that needed to be discussed with him.

I washed my hands after eating and walked towards the resting area as the night grew darker and it was almost time to go to bed.

Very unsurprisingly he was not there.

I just tried to figure out where he could be and the thought of him being in the library immediately crossed my mind. 

I turned my steps towards the library and held a lantern while walking through the dark pathway. The noise of my anklet bells was echoing in the hallway and I stopped in front of the library door.

Inhaling a deep breath, I pushed the door open which created a screeching sound that slightly raced up my heartbeats.

I gulped and took my step inside, the brightness of candles glowing in the library and the mild fragrance of jasmine and roses hit me immediately.

I took my steps further adjusting my dupatta over my shoulder and walked towards the main table in the library.

My sight noticed him sitting on the chair, leaning in over the table and his gaze fixed on the papers scattered all over the thick wooden piece of furniture.

I cleared my throat and patiently waited for his reaction for a few moments.

But, he did not even blink feeling my presence around.

I did not know but I was slightly nervous about him being mad.

I gulped and tried to say in a slow voice.


I just stood about eight feet away from him and he asked in a slow plain voice.

"Ji, Ranisa, kya seva kar sakte hai hum aapki?"

"Yes, Ranisa, how can I help you?"

He asked without even lifting his eyes off the papers.

I sucked on my lower lip and tried to say.

"I came to ask if you paid any attention to the drafts I prepared for the improvements in servant quarters,"

I said and I noticed the table having the same rolls of paper kept on the side of the table which was closer to me.

"Ji, do not worry. I have approved them,"

He informed me politely and I took a few steps forward.

"And, I want to discuss something with you,"

I said and he immediately replied.

"I am all ears,"

Now, I feel nervous and hesitated as he was not even looking up at me and his expressions were flat not angry, not mad, not hurt, not interested, not loving, just nothing.

I took a few steps forward and stood a few feet away from him.

"I went outside and noticed that so many people need our help and the village is often attacked by a group of dacoits. And, a storm that had hit the village a few months back has destroyed the economy and raised the prices of the commodities,"

He flipped the pages and replied.

"We will soon start reconstructing the outskirts of the Kingdom for the help. I have already appointed a group of soldiers in the village to keep an eye on the dacoits and the moment we will be done with the recounting of the resources, we will distribute the required commodities to the general public,"

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