41 ~ Nandani and Rudra's Fight

Start from the beginning

"What deal?"

And, suddenly, Agastya got off his hold and took a few steps back from him. Rudra tried to run after him but he was fast enough to go inside.

And, I just stood there blankly not knowing what the hell just happened.

"You, come with me, little troublemaker,"

He said and held my wrist to make me walk with him.

He started walking and I tried to say.

"Ranaji, I want to go outside,"

But, he kept dragging me and I did not know but now I was hating him actually.

He brought me inside the chamber and looked at me.

"What the hell were you trying to do?"

He asked in a strong, angry voice and I looked at him.

"I want to go outside,"

I spat back at him and tried to go outside the chamber.

But, he suddenly pulled me back and closed the door behind me. Hovering over me quickly, his hand cupped my neck dangerously.

"How dare you?"

He asked and I immediately pushed him away with all my force.


I yelled back at him and he immediately stepped forward and held my wrist twisting it behind me.

"Anger. Down. Now,"

He spoke and I looked sharply into his eyes. My eyes burned with rage and I spoke back with the same intensity.

"Leave. My. Hand. Now,"

He gritted his teeth and suddenly I felt his other hand cupping my cheek dangerously.

"How dare you let him call you your wife?"

He said and his eyes burned with anger. His thumb was close to my lips and I parted my lips to bite hard at his thumb.


He was startled by the pain and immediately took his thumb in his own mouth.

"Leave me,"

I tried to say but he looked sharply into my eyes and tightened his hold on my wrist.

A sharp pain shooted into my body and I just looked into his eyes intensely whole crying with pain.


I inhaled a deep breath.

I could feel my breast crushing against his chest, no distance between us, my vision upwards staring deep into his and his face down looking at mine.

He tightened his grip on my hand even more and I cried a little still saying in a strong tone.

"You are hurting me, Rudra,"

I tried to protest by twisting and shaking my body but his hold was something like a deadly grip.

"How dare you let him call you his wife?"

He asked again and this time his voice even more serious than before.

"What if he called me his wife? I bet he would have made a thousand times better husband than you,"

I said in anger and he just stared deeply into my eyes. The expression on his face suddenly changed and he left my hand.

I immediately brought it in front and caressed it with my other hand. His finger mark was imprinted on my wrist with bright red colour and tears collected in my eyes.

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