Chapter 82

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Lorenzo's POV

7 years later...

"Enzo it's your turn to get her." My wife says as she wakes me up from my sleep.

I groan before I get up out of bed and head to the room down the hall that was a nursery for our newborn baby girl.

Victoria Valentina De Luca.

She is only 2 weeks old and she already has me wrapped around her little fingers. I would do anything and everything for her.

As I walk into her room I see her moving around in her crib as she cries. Once she sees me she instantly stops.

"Tori you can't keep doing this to me." She has this thing where she will cry to get my attention when she isn't hungry or she doesn't need a diaper. She just simply wants me to hold her.

I know Brielle gets a little upset when that happens because she wants to be both Victoria and Leon's favorite. It's bad enough that both Leon and Victoria look exactly like me from the skin tone to eyes and hair color.

With Victoria in my arms I then make my way over to the rocking chair in the room and take a seat. I have no shirt on so she had direct contact with my skin.

The doctor had told me that it was good to have skin on skin contact with her because it would build a strong connection between the two of us.

I was extremely scared when she was born. I have never had time with Leon when he was a baby so I was worried that since I had no experience with infants that I would somehow mess up.

The whole time Brielle just sat there with me helping me learn the things I needed to know and whenever I caught myself second guessing myself she would be there to help me get past any doubt I had.

"Your daddy's little princess aren't you?" All I get is a little noise from her that sounded like a yawn and laugh mixed together.


"Lorenzo." I wake up to Brielle's soft voice and once I open my eyes I see her staring at me.

"How many times have I told you that she can't always sleep in your arms, she needs to get use to her crib." She tries to look mad at me but once she looks down at our daughter and then me a smile appears on her face.

"It's the only way she sleeps, and this time it was a accident." She looks at me before she rolls her eyes at me playfully.

I get up from the chair and make my way to Victoria's crib and place her back inside of it. I then turn around to face my beautiful wife.

"Good morning mi amor." I pull her in for a kiss which she doesn't pull away from.

"Good morning." She whispers back after we pull away from each other.

"What time is it?" I asked her as we made our way out of the room.

"10 am."


"I have to get ready for the opening tonight." She looks at me confused before she then remembers.

"Go hop in the shower I will pull a suit out for you and make you something quick to eat." I make my way to our bathroom as she enters our closet.

Tonight is the night where the school I have been working on for a year and a half is opening.

Now that Leon is getting to the age where he can now learn more about what I really do I thought it would be best that him and many other Mafia children have a school designed just for them so they are learning their basics that they would learn at a regular school but they will also learn about the Mafia lifestyle.

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