Chapter 48

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Brielle's POV

I am due to give birth anytime now so basically it has been a waiting game for when ever the baby decides to come out.

This past week has been filled with emotions and false contractions, which are really fucking uncomfortable.

Ana has been super helpful considering there are days where my feet swell to the point where I can't walk because it hurts to much.

I am currently in the babies nursery reading a book to him or her. The doctor told me since I'm getting closer and closer to having the baby talking, singing or reading to them will help build a strong bond between us.

As I continue reading to the baby I can feel a kick which causes me to wince a bit but a smile to make it's way on my face.

"You sure do enjoy kicking Mommy little one." I say while I rub the bump that seems to only be getting bigger and bigger.

"You know little one even if it's only me, you and your aunt Ana, we will be a happy little family I will make sure of it."

I can't help but allow a tear to slip down my cheek before whipping it off. The further I get to my due date the more worry I become.

I hate the thought of my child growing up without a father and the thought that they will blame it on themselves hurts.

I would never want my daughter or son to think that their father not being in their life has anything to do with them.

It only has everything to do with me.

I am pull out of my thoughts at the sound of Ana calling my name from the kitchen.

I get up from the chair I was sitting in, which wasn't easy and and make my way to Ana.

Once I enter the kitchen I see Ana placing a whole bunch of food on the counter. The food she seem to have bought were the exact ingredients for the pasta I make that she seems to be obsessed with.

"Now I know you have been tired recently and your emotions have been all over the place." She starts explaining her reasoning behind all of the groceries as she takes them out the bags.

"So I just thought cooking would help you take your mind off of all the negative things in your life right now." Ana looks at me with a smile on her face causing me to laugh a bit.

"Is this your way of saying you want me to make the pasta?"

"I am truly offended that you think I would be so selfish." She places her hand over her chest above her heart as if I just actually insulted her.

"But if you were to make the pasta I wouldn't be mad." She says which causes me to laugh so hard that I had to rush to the bathroom before my pregnant bladder exploded.

Ana's humor reminds me alot of Romeos and I think that is a very good thing because I need that humor in my life.

It gets me through the rough times in my life.


I finished cooking the pasta and me and Ana are now sitting peacefully at the dinner table eating and talking about everything and anything like we always do.

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