Chapter 49

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Lorenzo's POV

A year later...

One year.

It has been 1 whole year since I have last seen or heard from Brielle, I haven't heard her angelic voice for a damn year.

And it's fucking killing me. The thought of her being hurt or maybe even in a new relationship with someone else hurts.

I know what I did was fuck up and that I should have done something different but damn does it hurt not having her with me.

Even though if she was here right now we wouldn't be married her contract would have been over, but I would have found a way to keep her here with me.

This past year has been hell, now that my mafia is now working with the British mafia and it seems that nothing is going right.

No matter what I seem to say or try to have my men do, my father or fucking Jordan Bennett have something to say that makes me look stupid.

My father does it because he has been questioning my leadership since everything happened a year ago while Jordan does it just to get under my damn skin.

There has been a few times where Greyson, Romeo and Massimo had to stop me before I killed him.

The only thing actually keeping me from shooting the prick in the head is the fucking contract my dad signed.

I know how the British get when their deals go wrong they are just like our mafia but way more ignorant.

I'm currently at the warehouse where Me, my father and our men are having a meeting with William and Jordan with their men.

"It seems that Nikolai might have left the country." My father says starting off the meeting causing the others to look around a little confused.

"We just had eyes on him last month, how is that possible?" William asked right before his dumbass son decided to open his mouth.

"I mean with the team leader being distracted for this entire year it's not that difficult to believe father." Jordan said with that annoying British accent of his.

"What are you trying to say?" Massimo says sitting up right in his seat.

No matter how much I wanted to go off on this motherfucker right now I couldn't. I promised my father I would at least pretend to tolerate Jordan and not make William doubt mine or my father's leadership.

"I mean Lorenzo has been off his natural game since we have arrived here in the states and it has cost mine and my father's precious time that could be used else where back in England."

"Jordan." William says trying to put his son in his place without making it obvious to the others.

Which failed.

"What father, it's true all we have done is waste time by being here, Lorenzo rather dwell on some whore he lost instead of focusing on the real problem at hand."

"What did you just say?" I finally speak up with causes everyone to look my way and for my father to grab a hold of my shoulder.

Jordan begins to smirk before he answers me.

"I have heard your cousin's talk about some woman you lost and it seems to be affecting you quite alot my friend."

"I mean was her pussy really all that."

Ok that's fucking it.

As I get up out of the chair I am in with it falling to the floor with how much pressure I had put on moving it out of my way.

I pull my gun out and point it towards Jordan which lead his men to point their guns at me and my men to point their guns at them.

"Watch your fucking mouth Bennett." I say in a deep voice which only caused a even bigger smirk to make it's way on his face.

"Or what De Luca?" I cock back my gun ready to pull the fucking trigger at any moment now.

"That's it! William I advise you to get your son to back down and get him under control or I won't hesitate to allow mine free range." My father says while getting up and taking my gun from me.

"No need to worry Valentino, I will handle him." William then gets up and tells his men to lower their guns as he grips Jordan by the arm and leads him out of the meeting room.

"Fucking assholes." Romeo says breaking the silence that was created after they left.

My father glares at him causing him to look away.

"My office now." My father leaves the meeting room with me not to far behind.

Just fucking great.


I enter my father's office closing the door behind me while taking a seat infront of his desk as he was looking out the window of his office.

"Lorenzo this can't keep going on." He starts while he slowly begins to turn around to face me arms crossed over his chest.

"I understand you miss her but this has gone on long enough."

"I don't know what your talking about." I say why I try to avoid eye contact with my father.

"Don't play dumb with me Lorenzo Vincent." He says in a demanding tone using my middle name. Only time my parents ever call me by my middle name is when I have absolutely pissed them off.

"I am trying my hardest Lorenzo to put my all into this war with the Russians but I can't do it all by myself."

"I am putting in all my work father I don't know what else you want me to do."

My father takes a deep breath before be takes a seat at his desk.

"You are putting work in son, but you are not giving it your all."

I wanted to argue with him against that but I couldn't. He was right I wasn't giving it my all and I need to.

I can't keep allowing Brielle leaving to affect my fight with Nikolai. I have tried my hardest to find her but I couldn't.

I know none of my enemies have her so I have to just assume she is happy now and living the life she genuinely deserves.

Because I need to go back to my old self.

Killing Nikolai is above anything and anyone else.

"I understand father."


Thank you for reading this chapter😎

Insta: haileywritezzzbooks

Published: October 25th, 2022

See you next chapter


Mafia series: InnocenceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora