Chapter 51

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Brielle's POV

I wake up to my alarm and began getting ready for my busy day.

It is Saturday which means Leon doesn't have Daycare, but I still needed to set my alarm because me and Ana have to get some things for the gala tonight.

even though we went shopping yesterday for dresses Ana couldn't find one she liked so we are gonna try again.

Luckily I had found one yesterday that I really liked so I am already for tonight.

After I get out of the shower I go into my closet and quickly get dressed because I have to get Leon up and ready as well.

Leon is going to spend the day with Greg and when we are at the gala tonight Michael is coming to pick him up for a sleepover with Max at their place.

After I get dressed I head over to Leon's room to see that he was already up and looking for something to wear.

"Hey sweetie." I walk over to him and place a kiss on his head.

"Mr Greg said to wear something sporty." Leon said while looking at me with a confused expression on his sweet little face.

"Well let's see what you got."

He pulls out his captain america shirt along with his spiderman pajama pants.

"Hey how about I help you look for something." Leon looks at the clothes in his hand before putting them back and going to sit on his bed while I look.

Once I found something for him to wear I helped him brushed his teeth and then helped him get dressed.

"You look so handsome." I tell him as I place little kisses all around his face which caused him to start laughing.

"Mommy Stop!" He shouts out through all his giggles.

We both make our way out of his room to see that Greg was already here and was having a cup of coffee with Ana.

"Good morning Brielle." Greg greets me right before moving his gaze to Leon.

"Are you ready for our day out little man." Leon runs over to Greg which causes him to lift Leon up and sit him in the chair next to him.

"Yes!" Leon shouts excitedly as he begins eating his waffles.

"What exactly do you guys have plan today?" Ana asked as she looks at Greg and Leon with curiosity.

Greg looks at Leon which causes him to giggle before he sees that I was looking at the two of them and he then stops and begins to eat his food again.

"Nothing you girls will be interested in." Greg looks at Leon one more time before speaking up.

"You ready to go Leon?" Leon looks at Greg and nods his head but before he leaves he gives Ana a hug and then makes his way over to me.

"Have fun and be good for Greg." Greg waves us goodbye before they leave.

"They are a confusing duo." Ana says which causes me to laugh.

"I'm just happy Leon is having fun with Greg."

Ana looks at me with a small smile in her face before going back to her cup of coffee before passing me one of my own.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked as I take a sip of the much needed caffeine for this morning.

"Nothing, just a few years ago you weren't like this and I'm glad to see the difference." I give Ana a small smile in return.

She's right 3 years ago I would have been moping around and trying to take care of Leon without crying every few seconds, but now I finally feel like my new chapter in life is really starting and that this one will be one to remember.

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