Chapter 76

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Brielle's POV

Hearing Nikolai's voice doesn't only cause me to freeze but it also causes Mateo and Lorenzo to freeze as well.

Mateo and Lorenzo had stop because they have so much pent up anger with Nikolai and they want revenge, but I had stopped from the fear that I am feeling.

As we all turn around to face Nikolai we are also greeted by Niko holding a gun to us as well.

"Well look who lost all their fire now." Nikolai says as he looks at me while I try to hide behind Lorenzo.

"Don't fucking talk to her." Lorenzo glares at Nikolai as he steps infront of me a little more.

I take a quick look at Mateo to see that he had his hold on his gun and was hiding it from their view.

"Ok Lorenzo, there is no need to get over protective now your both going to be dead by the end of the night." His words cause my heart rate to increase.

I grab a hold of Lorenzo's arm just so that I have something of him to hold on to because I am extremely scared right now.

I know I was acting all tough the whole time I have been here, but that was only because I was alone and I wanted them to know that I don't need anyone else to protect me.

Which is true.

But something about Lorenzo makes me feel safe and comfortable with him and right now the littlest touch from him is helping calm my nerves.

"You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment Lorenzo." Nikolai says in a dark voice.

"Don't get your hopes up yet Volkov." Nikolai glares at Lorenzo before pointing the gun in my direction which causes a small gasp to escape my mouth.

"I will not hesitate to shoot her." My hands are shaking at this point and it has started to get harder for me to breathe.

"Oh come on don't be scared now, I remember the whole time you have been staying here you have been nothing but mouthy what happened?" A smirk appears on his face.

"What the fuck do you want Nikolai." Nikolai turns his attention back to Lorenzo but the gun was still pointed at me.

"You know exactly what I want, I want revenge for my fucking family!"

As soon as those words left his mouth all the images that he had shown me of his family flash back in my mind.

He has every right to be upset, but I highly doubt his family was innocent.

"You want revenge, fine take your revenge but your revenge is with me not them." Lorenzo says as he puts his gun away.

"Lorenzo." I call his name in a low whisper which causes him to look at me. His stare at first was harden with anger but once he looked at me his stare lighten.

He mouths to me 'Everything will be alright' although that was supposed to calm me down it only did the opposite.

I know how angry and non remorseful Nikolai is so I have no faith in this situation going our way right now.

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