Cry for Help

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AU without A. TW: mentions of self harm, sexual assault, abuse, eating disorders, and attempted suicide. I made myself cry with this one.

Alison. The girl with the perfect body, the perfect life. A Dilaurentis. Strong, powerful, popular. If only they knew what goes on behind closed doors.

Alison is nine years old the first time she comes to school wearing makeup to cover the bruises. Everyone else is jealous so she plasters on a smile, repeating words she hears from her mother. Dilaurentis women are rolemodels, so she must be too.

Alison is ten years old the first time she leaves lunch early to go throw up in the bathroom. She has to lose those chubby baby cheeks. Dilaurentis women are skinny and well put together.

Alison is eleven years old the first time she takes a blade to her skin. She has to numb the pain. Dilaurentis women don't show fear or sadness.

Alison is twelve years old the first time she bullies Mona. She has to maintain a high status. Dilaurentis women only associate with the best of the best and a girl from a broken home is not the best.

Alison is thirteen the first time an older man steals her innocence. She shoves down her disgust and takes the complement. Dilaurentis women are wanted, this is what it means to be wanted.

Alison is fourteen when she finally breaks. She walks toward the outskirts of town in the middle of the night one Friday. She dives in front of a car, willing all the pain to be over. Instead the car stops just inches away from her. Tears rush down her face as she feels arms around her. She looks up and sees Mona, holding her.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Get in the car. We're going for a ride."

Alison is in no position to argue. She gets into the car with Mona and soon finds herself at a back woods motel.

"What are we doing here?"

"I come here to escape the noise of Rosewood. Nobody ever comes here. Wait here, I'll be right back."

Mona goes inside the office and pays for the weekend. She comes back out with a room key.

"Come on."

Alison follows Mona into room 1.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because the girl I see right now is not the girl who tormented me every day for the past two years. The girl I see right now is scared. Broken. Real."

Mona pulls makeup wipes out of her purse and begins wiping away the streaked makeup on Alison's face, uncovering the bruises and scars that lie underneath. Once she's done wiping Alison's face clean, she hands her a sweater and a pair of shorts from the clothes she keeps in the room.

"Take a cold shower. It will ease the ache and help with the anxiety you're feeling. Is there anyone you want me to call?"


Sweet Emily who Alison had snapped at earlier that day for kissing her shoulder. Saying all the right things to push her away, afraid that Emily would feel the carefully covered cuts.

Emily lays awake thinking about earlier. She can't push past the thought that something is wrong. Alison, strong and fearless Alison, had looked at her with fear in her eyes as she rejected her. Emily's phone rings, startling her from her thoughts. It's an unsaved number. She answers.


"Emily, it's Mona. Alison wanted me to call you. She really needs you right now. We are at the Lost Woods Resort. Room one. Please come."

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