In Love

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Alison has been home for a week and Emily has been visiting her every day. Today she is late for a date with Paige because she and Alison lost track of time laying down just talking about their dreams like they used to. Emily rushes into The Grille. Paige is sitting at a table by herself, clearly upset. Emily sits down across from her.
"I'm sorry Paige, I lost track of time."
"Do you still love her?"
"Paige, it's not fair to ask me that!"
"Do you still love her?"
Paige yells the second time, standing up and slamming her hands down on the table. Every eye in the room is on them now. One person even pulls out their phone to record.
"Paige, you're making a scene. Just sit down."
"Answer me, Emily. DO. YOU. STILL. LOVE. HER."
Paige's face is red with anger and her eyes are filled with a hatred that makes Emily want to hit her. Emily stands up and yells back at her.
"Yes! Is that what the fuck you want to hear? You want to hear how much I am in love with Alison Dilaurentis despite knowing she doesn't feel the same. I have always been and will always be in love with her! She will always hold part of my heart and if you can't handle that then fuck you. I'm done."

Alison's phone dings. An email notification. She opens it. Pretty much everyone in town is CCd in, except Emily. The video is of Emily's blow up on Paige. She calls the other girls.
"Do any of you know where Emily is?"
"No, why?"
"Check your email."
She pauses while the others take time to watch the video.
"What the fuck?"
"Whoever the dickhole is sent it to everyone. I have to find Emily before someone mentions it to her. She looked pretty steamed."
"Are you sure that's a good idea, Ali? The blow up was..."
"About me, I know. I heard. I didn't know she still felt that way about me. I know why she thinks I don't feel the same way though."
"Wait. Do you. Feel the same way?"
"Yeah and I need to tell her."
"I know she used to go to the shooting range with her dad. She may have went there to blow off steam."
"Okay. I'll check there, then. If any of you hear from her first, please call me."
The other girls agree and Alison leaves the house and heads to the firing range. She sees Emily in the last lane. She walks up to her and slips her arms around her, adjusting her aim. Her lips are right next to Emily's ear.
"If you aim lower, the recoil will send it dead center."
Alison feels Emily's breath quicken and she slides around her, taking the gun.
"Let me show you. Feel how I position my body."
Alison positions herself in front of Emily. She spreads her legs shoulder length apart and smiles as she feels Emily step up behind her. With Emily's hands on hers she raises the gun and hits the target dead center. She puts the safety on and sets the gun down, turning her head to look at Emily.
"See?" She whispers before fully turning and pulling Emily into a kiss. Emily freezes for a second then kisses back before pulling back.
"What was that for?"
"Because I'm in love with you too, Emily Fields. I'm sorry I ever let you believe otherwise."
Emily looks confused and Alison shows her the video.
"Oh fuck."
"I just want to set the record straight. Not just to you but to everyone. You mind taking a video of me to reply?"
Alison hands her the phone.
Emily presses record.
"This is a message to whoever thought that it was funny to video and send out Emily's confession of love. She was mistaken. I am in love with her. She is my whole heart and soul. She is the only reason I wanted to return to this hell that is Rosewood. Without her, I am lost. She's the reason I want to become a better person. Because she has always seen the best in me, even at my lowest point. And to those who fear my return, the person who ran away two years ago is not the person I am now. The person who left hated herself and let that hate spill out and hurt everyone around her. The person who is here now, the real Alison, loves who she is and is proud of who she loves."
She takes the phone and turns it so both she and Emily are in frame and kisses Emily softly. She sends the video out and within moments Spencer, Aria, and Hanna are blowing up her phone with congratulations. She takes Emily's hand and they leave the range.

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