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Emily stares out the window of Spencer's car. Jessica Dilaurentis had been found a few days earlier in her kitchen floor. She had taken a whole bottle of anti-psychotics. The girls are headed to her funeral.
"Something isn't right. Mrs. D had just bought new clothes. She fixed decorated the guest bedroom like she was preparing for someone to come. Does that sound suicidal to you?"
"What are you saying? You think she was murdered? How would someone force her to swallow that many pills?"
"The kind they say she took were capsules. Essentially a dissolving outer shell with powder inside. All the murderer had to do was empty the capsules into a drink and put the casings in boiling water and they would dissolve."
"Then we need to figure out who murdered her and why. And who she was preparing for."
Spencer swings the car around.
"Then we better go now, while everyone is at the funeral."
They get to the Dilaurentis house and Spencer picks the lock. An hour and a half later, Hanna comes out of Mrs. D's bedroom with a tape recorder.
"Guys, Alison's still alive. And Mr. D killed Mrs. D."
"Just listen."
She presses play on the recorder. They hear Jessica arguing with Kenneth.
"I can't believe you. I was right to let you believe Charlie died because if it was up to you she would be locked in a torture chamber somewhere."
"That thing is not and never will be a woman."
"I am tired of listening to what you have to say. I stayed with you so Alison would have a father. And I find out you've been drugging her so she won't end up like her sister?! Then the moment you find out she kissed a girl you ship her off and tell everyone, me included, that she's missing. Now I know why my sweet little Ali started having problems. It was because of you."
"So what if i did it. What do you plan on doing about it?"
"I'm going to go to the police. Then I'm going to get my girls back. Both of them. Charlotte and Alison. And I plan on telling them just what kind of sick man you are."
They hear what sounds like a slap over the recording, then it cuts off.
"That explains so much of why Alison changed just all of a sudden between middle and high school. He must have been giving her the same medications he killed Mrs. D with. Anti-psychotics can cause temporary emotional disorders for the duration of the time you take the medication. We have to get this tape to the police. Now, before Mr. D finds out we have it."
They take the tape to the police station. The detectives for Alison's case listen to it.
"Where did you get this tape?"
The girls look at each other and Spencer speaks up.
"We thought something was off about Mrs. Dilaurentis's so called suicide. We visited her last week and she was decorating the guest bedroom and had bought all new clothes. Like she was preparing for someone. You don't spend that much time and money just to kill yourself. So I broke in and found the tape."
The detective raises her eyebrow.
"I'm just going to pretend you said it was found outside in the garden."

A few days later the girls get a call from the detective.
"I just thought I would let you girls know that we have located Alison Dilaurentis. Her father checked her into a facility in Georgia under the name Ashley Drake the day he reported her missing. The facility relocated her to a monitored halfway house. We have court ordered her release, as well as the release of Charlotte Dilaurentis from Radley. They will both need a support system. We have assigned guardianship of Alison to her brother Jason and he has asked that you come and be there when they get home."

The following day, the girls go to the Dilaurentis house. They aren't there long before Jason pulls up with Alison and Charlotte. Each of the girls hug Alison, Emily waited until last. The moment Emily's arms went around Alison she began to sob. Apologizing over and over again for the person her father turned her into. Alison wraps her arms tightly around Emily.
"Shhhh. It's over now. He's going to rot for what he did to you," Emily mutters, choking back tears of her own. "He can't hurt you anymore."
Emily leads Alison inside. The others follow. They sit in the living room, Alison refusing to let go for Emily even for a second. Charlotte clears her throat.
"Did they tell you why he killed our mom?"
"She was planning to tell the truth. About you. About what he did to Alison. On the tape she said that she was glad she told him you died because she didn't want to imagine what he would have done to you if he found out. That the only reason she never fought him was so Ali could have a dad and that not leaving him was a mistake."

The other girls get ready to say goodbye. Alison clings to Emily's arm.
"Stay with me, please."
Emily nods.
"Of course."
They head upstairs. Alison let's go of her and hands her a very large t-shirt and grabs herself some clothes.
"I need a shower."
"Okay. I'll be right out here."
Twenty minutes later Alison crawls in bed next to Emily. Emily lays on her back, looking at her. Alison quickly pecks her lips then lays her head on Emily's chest.

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