Tea and Cookies

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A sequel to Can't Say No

Its been a year since Pam got her girls back. The Dilaurentis's tried to fight Pam in court to get Alison back, but with all the people who came forward to corroborate Alison and Emily's account of that night, they quickly lost and Pam was granted custody. She got to watch their relationship up close and got to know the real Alison. After the third month, Alison had timidly asked if she could call Pam mom and Pam happily said yes. When the girls didn't want to return to high school, Pam got them the resources they needed to test out. She helped them sell their bar and loft in New York and put the money in a savings account to grow while the girls figure out what they want to do in their life.
Now, she and Alison have developed a new Saturday morning routine. Pam puts on a kettle to boil while Alison rolls out and cuts cookie dough. She slides the cookies into the oven. Pam notices that the blonde seems distracted, chewing on her lip as she just stares at the oven.
"What's on your mind, hon?"
Alison looks over at her, and thinks about what she wants to say first.
"Do you think Em and I are too young to think about marriage?"
The question doesn't really surprise Pam.
"I think that you two have been through a lifetime worth of hardship. You're mature well beyond your age. Honestly, I don't know if there's anything I would say you're too young for."
Alison nods in thought for a moment.
"Can you take me ring shopping?"
Pam smiles.
"I can do you one better, love."
Pam disappears into her bedroom and reappears with a ring box in hand. She hands it to Alison.
"It's my mothers ring. Wayne proposed to me with it and I would be honored for you to propose to Emily with it."
Alison opens the box and tears form in her eyes.
"Wow, Mom. It's perfect."
Pam smiles.
"When are you thinking?"
"During morning tea. If that's okay with you."
"Of course it is." Pam pulls her into a hug. "Go get dressed in something nice and wake Emily. Tell her I said today was a fancy tea day. I can finish up in here."
Alison smiles. "Thanks Mom."
Alison heads upstairs and picks out a floor length blue dress with a drop neckline, lined with silver rhinestones. She does her makeup before deciding to wake Emily. She gently kisses Emily, waking her. Emily blinks awake and sees her girlfriend in a formal outfit.
"Fancy tea?"
Alison nods, kissing her again. Emily groans.
"I hate fancy tea."
Alison giggles.
"It'll be worth it, baby. I promise."
She leaves the room to go back and help Pam finish up in the kitchen. She panics for a moment when she gets downstairs.
"Hon, breathe. What's wrong?"
"I don't have pockets to put the ring box in."
Pam laughs.
"Ali, honey, breathe. I can hold the ring until you are ready for it."
Alison breaths a sigh of relief.
"What would I do without you?"
Pam hugs her once again.
"I'm going to go get ready. Can you finish up?"
Alison nods. Pam disappears back into her bedroom and Alison pulls out the cookies and sets them on the cooling rack for a moment. She carries the tea kettle to the table and sets it in the center, placing teacups and saucers on the table as well. She plates the cookies and brings them to the table as well. Pam rejoins her and Emily comes down the stairs soon after. She gets butterflies in her stomach when she lays eyes on Emily, wearing a pantsuit that matches her dress.
"You look beautiful, Em."
Alison can already feel herself starting to tear up. Emily notices and pulls her close.
"What's wrong, baby?"
"Nothing. Everything is perfect."
She gently kisses Emily and they sit down. Pam serves the tea and cookies, and makes conversation. She can feel Alison's nervousness and she reaches over and places her hand on Alison's, giving her an encouraging smile. Alison takes a deep breath before turning toward Emily, who is looking at her concerned.
Pam silences her daughter. Alison is thankful, despite Emily's annoyed look. She fears that if she doesn't do it now, she may never.
"Emily Catherine Fields, the moment I met you, I saw love for the first time. I still remember what you were wearing that day. I remember thinking that nothing in this world could be more beautiful and it terrified me. I never intended for you to find out that I love you but you did and despite all the hell I put you through, you love me back. In my darkest moment, when I was ready to give up, you were there. You saved my life. You carried me for hours covered in dirt and so tired. I could see it in your face. You just wanted to sleep but you took the time and cleaned me up and asked nothing in return. Nobody had ever shown me such pure love like that before. You left your whole life behind just to come with me and keep me safe, no matter how much I told you that you should stay. When we came home, you were so protective of me. You stood up to the police for me. You and mom made sure that I have had a loving and safe home and I can't thank you enough for everything you do for me, but I'd like to spend the rest of our lives trying." Her hands are shaky and there are tears rolling down both of their cheeks. Pam hands her the box under the table. Alison stands up and kneels down on one knee, opening the box. "Will you marry me?"
Emily gasps.
"Yes, Ali, yes I will marry you."
Pam smiles, tears flowing down her cheeks as well, as Alison slides the ring onto Emily's finger. Alison cups Emily's cheeks and pulls her into a kiss.

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