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An AU where Charlotte jumped from the roof of Radley. The five girls drifted apart over the years. This takes place roughly 20 years after season 6A.


"Lights out, Charlie. You have school tomorrow."

"Five more minutes, mom. Please? I'm almost done and the deadline for submissions is midnight."

Alison pokes her head in the door and sees her 16 year old daughter, Charlotte, typing away on her computer.

"Okay. Finish, then directly to bed. I love you."

"I love you too, mom."

Two Months Later

Charlotte runs home, a book of short stories in her hand.


Alison hops up from the couch.

"Whoa. Where's the fire?"

"I got published! My short story! Page 30."

Charlotte hands Alison the book. Alison sits back down and opens it.

Unbreakable Love
By Charlotte Catherine Dilaurentis

An unbreakable love is hard to find. A love that transcends time and distance, no matter how long it has been, no matter how far apart you grow, the moment you see them, it all comes back. You should only be so lucky to have a love like this. Vivian Darkbloom was one of the lucky ones.

Alison continues to read the story. A story of Vivian and a mermaid, with just enough detail that anyone who knows Alison well enough would know who it's about. Tears prick her eyes as she gets to the end of the story.

Though decades have passed since they said their goodbyes, Vivian still loves the mermaid deeply. I believe Dickens said it best. 'I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.'

San Francisco

Emily gets a call from an unsaved number. She answers.

"Hello. Coach Emily Fields speaking."

"Emily, thank goodness your number hasn't changed."


"Listen, this is going to sound insane but I need you to go to your nearest bookstore and find a copy of Innocence: Teenagers Take On Love. It's a book of short stories that I edited about a month ago. It was just published and the one starting on page 30 is about you."

"Um. Okay. I'm two blocks from the campus bookstore."

Emily heads to the campus bookstore and quickly finds one of the books, flipping to page thirty. She quickly reads the story while still on the phone with Aria.

"Oh my God."

"I just thought you'd want to know."

Two weeks later

Emily finds herself standing in front of the Dilaurentis house. She isn't even sure if Alison still lives here, but she's about to find out. She takes a deep breath and walks up to the door, knocking. A young blonde with purple highlights in her hair answers the door. The girl's eyes light up.

"Mom! Your mermaid has returned!"

Alison comes out of the kitchen.

"What are you talking abo.....Emily."

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