I Can't Fix You

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Based off of Sasha's song. This takes place after Emily convinces Alison to stay in Rosewood.

I can't fix you
You've gotta face these demons on your own
And I can't save you
But I promise you you'll never be alone

Alison asks Emily to stay over. Of course Emily says yes. A few hours after they fall asleep, Emily wakes to Alison screaming, hitting, and kicking.
"No! Please! Please listen to me!"
"Ali? Ali?"
Emily tries to wake her but she won't wake up.

Take my hand and take a deep breath
You don't have a lot of chances left
When the road is long and it's dark as the night
If you get too scared just hold me tight
You're the only one who can make things right

When she can't wake her up, Emily slides her arms around Alison, pinning her arms down to keep her from hurting herself.
"I'm here. I'm here. You are safe."

And I can't fix you
I can't fix you
I still love you
You're everything to me I hope you know
That I still need you
To get yourself out of this hole

The next morning, it's like nothing happened. Emily doesn't know whether or not to bring it up. They watch a bunch of old movies, neither of them really talking at all throughout the day. Sometime early afternoon, Emily decides to talk to her.

Promise me you're better than this
Promise me you won't give in
When the road is long and it's dark as the night
If you get too scared just hold me tight
You're the only one who can make things right
I can't fix you
I can't break

Alison looks over at Emily, seeing a look of concern on her friends face and she sighs. She doesn't want to face this right now.
"What is it, Em?"
"How long? How long have you been having terrors?"
Alison takes a shaky breath.
"Since...since that night."
"Two years, Ali?"
"Increasingly more since I came home."

You can beat this baby
My faith is strong
When the smoke is clear
And the battle is won
I'll be waiting for you
I'll be waiting

Emily pulls her close.
"I can't fix it, but I will be here. I will stay as long as you need. You are so strong."
Alison feels tears building up and tries to fight them. Her voice comes out cold.
"No. You don't get to put up a wall right now. You don't get to shut me out."

When the road is long and it's dark as the night
If you get too scared just hold me tight
You're the only one who can make things right
When the road is long and you think you're gonna fall
There's a still small voice beyond temptations call
So the choice is yours
Carry on or lose it all

Alison bursts into tears as Emily holds her.
"I relive it. Over and over. I can feel the dirt hitting me. And then I can't breathe. I'm clawing and I'm fighting. I.....I almost died. At the hands of my mother. I was so scared. All I wanted to do was run to you. You're my safe place. But Mona...."
Alison's voice trails off
"What? What did Mona do?"
"She told me it would be best if everyone thought I was dead."

I can't fix you
I can't fix you
I can't fix you

"You can come to me now. I can't magically make it go away, but when you're having a bad night, I will hold you. When you just need somebody to sit with you, I will. When you need a shoulder to cry on, cry on mine. I love you, Ali and I will be right here, waiting, no matter how long. You are strong, you will heal."
Alison rests her head in the crook of Emily's neck.
"Thank you."

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