Secrets Out

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An AU where Emily has known Alison is alive since Halloween of sophomore year.

The girls are concerned about Emily. She's been off since Alison disappeared and they can't figure out why. She seems happy but very secretive, disappearing for days at a time. She'll answer SOS messages and help with A investigations but the rest of the time, she seems absent. It seemed to get worse when she moved in with Hanna. Hiding her phone. Leaving the room for calls. Something was off and the girls plan to get to the bottom of it. So when Emily ditches them early Halloween morning, they decide to follow.

Emily stops by the store and Aria, being the smallest, follows her inside from a distance. As Emily checks out with her purchases, Aria bolts it to Spencer's car.

"She bought a bunch if house essentials. Toilet paper, hair products, food and water. Then it got weird. She bought diapers and wipes and baby clothes."

"Maybe she has a secret family."

"Oh come on, Han. A secret family? Really?"

Roughly thirty minutes later Emily pulls into the driveway of the Dilaurentis holiday home. The girls park off the road and walk the rest of the way, getting there just in time to see Emily walk up to the porch. The girls gasp in shock when they see who is waiting for her.

"Holy fuck, Han. You were right."

Emily walks up on the porch, bags in hand, setting them down to the side. Alison is standing on the porch holding a beautiful blonde baby girl. Emily smiles as she leans in, kissing Alison softly.

"There's my two favorite people." The little girl holds out her arms, grabbing for Emily and she takes her from Alison's arms. "Hey, Ember. Did you miss me?"

"She refused to go down for her nap. She knew Mama was coming today."

Emily laughs as Ember grabs on to her face. "Well, I would have been here sooner but the girls were going on about the Halloween party tonight. I told them I was too busy to go."

Alison helps Emily carry the bags inside and Emily heads to the fridge to grab a bottle of breastmilk. She puts it in the bottle warmer as Alison puts away the groceries. Emily grabs the bottle and walks into the little nursery she and Alison had decorated. She sits in the rocking chair, laying Ember down on her lap, her head resting in the crook of Emily's elbow as she feeds her, rocking and humming until the 10 month old is asleep. She gently burps her, careful not to wake her, then lays her down in her crib. She heads to the living room, grabbing something out of her bag, before heading to the kitchen. She slips her arms around Alison from behind.

"Ember is down for her nap."

"She always goes down so easily for you, baby."

"Not always. There was that one day where you were worried A followed me so you went out and checked around. She wouldn't fall asleep until you got back. I think it's knowing that both of her mommies are here."

Alison hums and leans back into Emily. "I wish you could be here all the time."

"Me too. I got you something."

Alison turns around as Emily releases her. Emily holds up a box wrapped in a little bow. Alison opens it. Inside is a necklace with three birthstones. Emily's, Alison's, and Ember's. Alison smiles softly.

"'s beautiful. Put it on me?"

Emily happily puts it on her and Alison heads to the bedroom, Emily follows. Alison grabs a present out of the drawer of the nightstand.

"I got you something too." Alison holds up the gift. "Happy two year anniversary."

Two years earlier

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