Pick Up The Pieces (NSFW)

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They found your friend...she's dead.

An earthshattering scream ripples through Emily's body as Maya's words play over and over in her head. She sees the coroner cart a covered body into a vehicle and she feels herself collapse, her heart shattering to pieces. All of a sudden there are arms around her. Hanna and Spencer. Two girls who she has pretty much ignored since Alison's disappearance. They both have tears in their eyes.
Emily just shakes her head as she buries her face into Hanna's neck. Sobbing.
Alison stands in the shadows seeing the coroner pull a body out of the place she had previously been buried. The body is clothed the same as hers was that night. She pinches herself, just to make sure it's not actually her They are pulling out. Minutes later she hears a scream and her heart breaks at the sound. Emily. She resists the urge to run to her. To tell her she's okay. It isn't safe. Not with all the people around.
A year later
They stand in the Fitzgerald theatre, in a hidden room far from the other girls.
"I mourned you! Your death broke me to a million pieces!"
Emily yells at Alison, tears falling down both of their faces.
"I...I know. I was there."
Alison's voice is soft. Scared. Emily looks at her like she is the worst person in the world and maybe she is.
"I tried to come and tell you I was okay...but."
"But what, Alison?"
"You were with Maya. Getting stoned. I couldn't tell you like that. By the time you were sober enough....I was already running again."
Emily's voice softens.
"I just wanted to not feel."
"I know. And I don't blame you for that. I didn't want to feel either. When they pulled, well not me, from the ground and I couldn't run to you, it broke me too."
They both stare at the ground as Alison's fingers run up and down the scars on her arms. Emily glances up and notices, slowly closing the space between them.
"I hate you, for making me fall in love with you. And I hate myself for letting it happen."
Alison looks Emily in the eyes, their faces inches apart. Emily backs her up against a wall as she continues talking.
"I hate that you still have a hold of my heart after all this time." Emily places her hands on either side of Alison, pinning her. "I hate that no matter how much you hurt me, no matter how much hell you put me through, I will always love you."
Alison's breath is shaky as she places her hands on Emily's hips.
"Can we ever go back to how things were?"
Emily shakes her head.
"I don't want things to be how they were. I don't want to pine after you as I watch you crush me over and over."
"Then what do you want?"
Emily crashes her lips into Alison's, a rough and bruising kiss and Alison knows what both of them need. To know this is real. She pulls Emily's hips against her own, moaning against Emily's mouth. Emily begins to kiss down her neck, the bites down on her pulse point hard enough that Alison thinks she may break skin but she doesn't care. She slips her hands under Emily's shirt and digs her nails into her skin, right under her breasts and scratches straight down to the the top of Emily's pants. A low growl from Emily's throat sends shivers through her body. It isn't long before their clothes are long forgotten. Hands tangled in hair, bites and scratches across their stomachs and backs. Emily lifts one of Alison's legs to her waist to hold her up as she thrusts two fingers inside her, hard and rough. A moan escapes Alison's mouth as Emily thrusts in and out of her at a quick and torturing pace. She drags her nails from Emily's shoulder blades down to her ass.
"Fuck, Emily."
Emily's free hand wraps around Alison's throat and Alison's breath hitches. Emily's nails dig into her skin and she feels tears come to her eyes. Emily pauses for a second.
"Is it too much?"
"No. You need this....I need this."
Emily continues and it isn't long before Alison is shaking as the first wave of orgasm hits her. She feels like she might collapse but Emily holds her up as she rides it out. Once Emily pulls her fingers out, Alison flips them and drops to her knees, swinging one of Emily's legs over her shoulder. She bites and sucks the sensitive area of Emily's thigh before turning her attention to Emily's clit. She begins licking, biting, and sucking. Emily's hands tangle into her hair, shoving her further in. She takes the hand that isn't holding Emily up and begins thrusting her fingers in and out of Emily at the same pace Emily had done to her. Within minutes she feels the brunette begin to shake as she cries out. Alison brings her down and Emily sinks to her knees in front of her. Emily kisses her again, this time soft and sweet. Tears slip from both of their eyes.
"Don't ever leave me again."
"I couldn't even if I wanted to."
Their lips reconnect and both of them begin to rub each other's clit. This time is gentler, taking the time to enjoy each other. They come undone together and their foreheads rest against each other. Emily is the first to speak.
"Together, we can heal. Together we can pick up the pieces of our broken hearts."
Alison smiles softly.
"I'd like that."
They hold each other for a while, Emily kissing every scar on the blonde, before getting dressed and rejoining Spencer and Hanna, who are frantically searching for them.
"Where the hell were you?"
Spencer is the first to speak.
"We had some things to work through."
They notice the visible bruising and scratches on both of them and their eyebrows raise. Alison notices.
"I know you're all sceptical. I'm not the same girl who left two years ago. I know it will take time and I have to prove it."
Emily cuts in, grabbing Alison's hand.
"I'm giving her a chance. I think you should too. She's been punished enough."
Spencer and Hanna notice Emily's other hand gently running her fingers up and down Alison's arms and see the scars for the first time, understanding.
"Okay. We will give her a chance. For you, Em."
Alison breathes out a sigh of relief.

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