I'd Die For You

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Aria is A. Mona worked for her but didn't know her identity. After Mona left the A team, Aria recruited Ezra and eventually Melissa, Cece, Paige, and Lucas. Emily knows where Alison is but won't tell A or her minions. Everyone but Paige and Ezra are double agents without Aria realizing.

Emily would give anything to lay down just for a moment. She has splinters in her skin from the chair rubbing against her bare back and thighs. All she can taste is blood as it drips out of her mouth. She's sure if anyone could see her now she would be unrecognizable but there is no way she's giving up Alison's location. Not when this group of people wants to kill her. Her only solace is knowing that Alison is safe and as long as A doesn't know where she is, she won't kill Emily.

Emily hears the door roll open and then shut. The dim lights flicker on and she feels a gloved hand grab her face. Her chin is pulled up and she comes eye to eye with Aria.

"All you have to do is tell us where Ali is and all of this will be over."

Emily spits in her face. "Go to hell. Ali was your friend."

"Alison was our tormentor."

"Alison was abused and crying out for help."

"She gave Hanna an eating disorder."

"You had Hanna hit with a car."

Aria raises her hand and strikes Emily across the face. "Where's Alison?"

"They're gonna find me, you know."

"Who? The speed freak and the airhead? Not a chance. Melissa and Lucas will keep them busy. And sorry to tell you Emily, but your little girlfriend won't be of much help either." Aria turns toward the door. "Paige! Could you bring Emily some water, it'd be a real shame if she dies of dehydration."

A few seconds later, Paige enters with a bottle of water. Aria holds Emily's head back as Paige pours the water over her face, only about half a mouthful going in Emily's mouth. Emily's head falls back down forward and Paige kneels in front of her, placing her hand on Emily's cheek.

"I really did love you, but I hate Alison more."


Mona quickly shuts the door behind the others.

"You weren't followed, were you?"

"We are always careful, Mona. You know that." Melissa answers.

The four of them sit at the table in the Hastings lakehouse.

"How's Emily holding up?"

"She's not cracking, which means Alison is still safe." Charlotte leans forward. "It also means she's getting the shit beat out of her too. I'm not sure how much longer she can last."

"Have either of you figured out how to get past her security?"

"Not without alerting her or Ezra. Char and I have put our heads together but we keep coming up with nothing. If you were still on the team you would have figured this out by now." Lucas replies.

"I have an idea but I'd have to have a way to get a message to Emily. Somehow let her know we are on her side."

"Easy. Tell her something only Alison would know. When I was still working with Aria, Alison came to Emily's rescue. I overheard what she said. 'You were always my favorite. You were the hardest to leave behind.' Tell her that. She will know. As for a message, that may be a little harder. For now, just let her know she has someone in her corner then meet back here tomorrow. I'm going to get Spencer and Hanna up to speed. It's time they know what's going on."

Emison OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora