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"You can't get discouraged. These things take time."
Emily stands next to Alison's hospital bed, holding her hand.
"Doctor, it's been two years. Be honest with us, what are our chances?"
"Everything is looking good. I want you to come back in two weeks for a blood test."
"We will be out of town in two weeks. I know we aren't supposed to travel like this but we are attending a friend's wedding. We'll be out of town for a week or two."
"Then I will see you next month for the test. In the meantime, make sure to get plenty of rest and avoid stress as much as possible."

Two Weeks Later
Emily unpacks their bags in the hotel room.
"Ali, did you want the red dress or the blue for the rehearsal dinner?.......Ali?......babe?"
Emily walks into the bathroom to see her wife standing at the sink. Alison turns around, tears falling down her cheeks. She holds out a test.
"It worked." Her voice is soft.
"It worked? It worked! Oh my god, Ali."
Emily starts laughing and crying and hugs Alison.
"We're gonna have a baby!"
She kisses her.
"I think we should wait until after the wedding to tell the others. I don't want to upstage Hanna's special day."

The day of the wedding, Emily and Alison are in the dressing room helping Hanna get ready.
"Thank you for coming. I know you guys haven't been having the easiest time lately."
"We wouldn't have missed it for the world. We love you Han. Even if you are marrying a terrifying genius."
"Mona's not that bad. Anymore."
They all laugh.
"I'm sorry that Spencer and Aria couldn't make it."
"Spencer sent her wishes. Aria sent her judgement."
"Aria doesn't have any room to judge. She and Ezra have been on a yoyo since high school. It isn't healthy."
"Out of all of us, I honestly thought the two of you would be the ones with the rockiest relationship but you've maintained a strong and healthy relationship."
"We weren't so sure ourselves at the start but here we are now. Married 5 years and things have never been better."
Emily smiles at Alison and takes her hand. Hanna's eyes go wide.
"Oh my God. You're pregnant."
"Nobody said that."
"That's why you're so happy."
"Just keep it to yourself for now. Today is about you, not us."

Nine Months Later
Alison's nails are digging into Emily's hand.
"You're almost there baby, one more push. You're doing great."
Emily takes her free hand and places it on Alison's cheek.
"Look at me. You are doing amazing. Everything is going perfectly. Take a deep breath with me and then push when you exhale. She takes a deep breath in and Alison does the same. A few seconds later a loud cry rings through the room. Emily cuts the umbilical cord and takes the baby from the doctor, placing her in Alison's arms.
"We have a beautiful baby girl."
Tears of joy slide down both of their faces.
"She's perfect, Em. I love you."
"I love you too."

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