★Meet Ivy★

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"Ivy, get up sweetie, you're going to be late for school," Barbara said as she opened my curtains. "Morning Barbs," I said as I got up a headed to the bathroom. I turned the water on and brushed my teeth while waiting for the shower to heat up. I showered for about 35 minutes.

I stepped out the shower and headed to my room. It was now 7:15 and school started at 8:30. I know you're probably wondering why I'm up so early. Simply because I take forever and a day to get dressed. I mean I wasn't Miss Poison Ivy for nothing.

With that title comes major responsibilities. I lotioned my body and slipped on my purple dress and black boots and grabbed a sweater. Today I present my Sophomore Class President speech and we are required to dress business casual. After finishing my make up, I grabbed my purse, poster boards, flyers and laptop and headed downstairs.

Mmmmhh, the smell of sausage, grits, eggs and waffles hit my nose. I walked to the kitchen and sat on the counter as I watched Barbara finish cooking. If your wondering who Barbs was, she's my maid. Barbs and I have been together since birth.

She literally held my mother's hand in the hospital. Of course, my dad was somewhere on business and my mom died during childbirth. Naturally Barbz, assumed my mother figure position while dad supported us financially and physically when he could. My dad had a practice up in New York that requires his physical presence a lot but oh well.

"So, you ready for the big presidential race," Barbz asked. I smiled at her confidentially and replied, "Uhhh Yeah", in a duh tone. I was confident that I was guaranteed that position. I was running against some no name nerd and an over-glorified jock.

Everyone knew to vote for me. The other two were just running to make it seem as if the school didn't show favoritism. I finished my breakfast, kissed Barbz goodbye and headed out the door.

I hopped into my all white 2016 Rolls Royce phantom drop-head coupe and headed to school. 20 minutes later I was parking in my reserved spot. Lily, Kacy, Katie, and Blake as usual were waiting by the bottom of the stairs for me. I handed Katie or as I called her my book holder my stuff. "Lily my trunk, Now, " she hurried to the trunk and grabbed my posters and flyers. Kacy held a mirror up so I could check my make-up.

As usual, I looked flawless and as if I needed reminding Blake spoke, "you look amazing Ivy and you'll definitely be taking the class prez role today." I smiled at her and replied, "No shit, tell me something I don't know." I walked off with the four behind me.

Yes, I said behind me the rules were simple.

1. We were not equal, I was better and always will be.

2. You walk behind me not beside me, BEHIND ME

3. ONLY speak when spoken to, unless you're praising me and in that case you can speak freely

And lastly, if you fail to follow my rules your out, end of discussion.

As we entered the halls all eyes were on us, will on me. I walked to my locker and stood there as Katie struggled to put my combination in. Yes, I could have held my books since she also had to carry her books plus mines, but Katie was the newbie and it was quite amusing watching her struggle.

She finally opened my locker and exchanged my books for English class. Still struggling with the books, as we all headed to class.

So what do you guys think of Ivy? Total bitch right. Hahaha maybe not, but you will have to keep reading to find out

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