64~ "People like me are fresh in the market."

Start from the beginning

It was still raining, albeit lightly by the time they exited the cafe. Not to mention, how muddy the floor became from the dirty shoes of the people. Vineet suggested they wait but Pallavi couldn't stay indoors any longer. She stepped out and raised her head to the grey cloudy sky, feeling little droplets fall onto her face. Unlike Bollywood movies, she didn't spread her arms to start twirling. Neither did the man gawk at her. He simply walked to her side, talking about the surprising weather today.

“Perhaps its raining since it witnessed our hot and sizzling chemistry today.”

God, was she talking like him, too?
Vineet chuckled at her comment before raising a brow. “So what do we do, cutie? Watch the movie or take our chemistry to the hotel.”

Pallavi's face fell. His mouth really had no filter.

“Chillax, I'm kidding! The cinema is right here on the next road,” he pointed out to the right side, still laughing.

Due to the continuous downpour, the roads had converted to a shallow river. Pallavi and Vineet had to cross the road with the help of the huge stones laid across. There was a crowd of pedestrians around them. Taking advantage of that, Pallavi slipped her hand onto his while he readily took it. Her insides churned. Though she was aware of the nature of their outing, she couldn't help feeling giddy. It had been a long time since she felt this way. The rain, the hand holding— This was what a real date should be like. Hence they walked the rest of the way hand-in-hand.

“I'm looking forward to this movie,” Vineet spoke, his enthusiasm evident. They were seated inside the cinema hall now.

“I'm not,” She said honestly. “It looks like your typical sports movie. I wanted to watch the other one but unfortunately it's in the evening.”

“The movie's based on the real life women's cricket team which sadly, no one pays attention to...”

Their conversation carried on even after the movie started. It usually involved commenting on something or the other while laughing in between. In the midst, Vineet wrapped his arm around her shoulders but withdrew after seeing her flinch.

“Um, sorry...”

Pallavi took one look at the screen and then at Vineet. The next moment, she surprised him (and herself) by extending his arm around her shoulders, scooping closer to him. She smirked. “Better now?”

“Perfect,” He scooped closer. “I like how comfortable you've become around me already.”

Pallavi twisted her lips, “Yeah, I'm finding hard to believe that too. I don't get comfortable that easily.”

Like any typical movie date, the two engaged in conversations about the scene or something else while snuggling up to each other. With time, their proximity decreased as they inched closer to the point where she could smell the perfume from his shirt. She felt tingles in her skin as he ran his fingers down her arms and face. She enquired if he ever went straight to the hotel on a first date before to which he replied once. Usually, it never happened as he himself preferred to know each other on their first date. She agreed too.

“Damn, your fingers are long,” Pallavi took notice as she touched his fingers.

He trained his eyes on her until he replied with a smug, “Yes, its painful for girls sometimes.”

“What, no?... but I... fine, you got me.” Pallavi sighed, giving up. If you innocent folks still didn't get it, she was thinking about how his long fingers would feel inside a girl's vag*na.

“You've got beautiful hands though,” Vineet said, holding her light skinned fingers. Before she could thank, he brought her soft knuckles to his lips and kissed it, stealing her breath away.

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