46. Epilogue

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I set it down and walked over to my dad who was holding a laughing Liam.

"Hey dad how's he doing?" I asked while pointing with my eyes to Liam.

"He's doing fine I just think he wants to be by someone he knows so I'll watch him" my dad responded while tickling Liam's belly. My dad and Liam had a really special bond that just seemed to grow everyday.

I then went over to see Sasha and May,who were in charge of watching the troublesome triplets.

From the look on their faces the kids were not being easy. Bradley was laying on the ground throwing a tantrum,Taylor was in Mays arms sleeping and Sky was dancing around Sasha laughing at everything.

"Bradley come here" I commanded. He took his head off the ground and looked at me before getting up and running over to me. He ran straight into me legs and I could feel his tears soak through my pants.

"What's the matter?" I asked while running my fingers through his blonde hair.

"I wanna take a nap" he cried and I just nodded before taking his hand and walking him into the house and up to his room where I put him down for a nap.

Bradley would always cry to little things so we were trying to teach him that he didn't need to cry at everything especially come he did it at school too.

I walked back outside and ran right Conner who was holding a sleeping Kylie. I could see her face was tear stained.

"What happened?" I asked while rubbing my finger over her stick face.

"She stepped on a bee so she cried until she made herself exhausted and then she fell asleep."

"Ah okay put her In her room to sleep" he nodded before walking into the house.

I looked around at everyone here and I couldn't help but smile. My life was perfect even if I've had rough patches.
2 months later
"Come on Lena you can do it just one more big push" Conner encouraged so I bared down and let out a loud scream.

A baby's cry pierced the air and I relaxed as much as I could as the baby was placed on my bare chest. I looked down at him while they were shoving a blue sucker thing in his nose to get the goop out so he could breathe.

I started to cry as I leaned down to kiss his little forehead.

They took him away a few minutes later so they could clean him up so more and run tests on him.

"You did so good" Conner said as I was being moved to recovery.

"Thanks" I said not knowing how to respond.

Carson Wilfred Melody

Born December 12 at 12:21pm

Weighing 7lbs 8oz

Once I was comfortable in the recovery room the nurses let in my family.

My dad walked in carrying a crying Liam,then came Louise with Kylie,then the triplets ran in followed by May,Sasha,and Violet.

My dad walked over to me and set Liam down next to me. He immediately crawled into my arms and calmed down. I slowly rocked him back and forth while rubbing his back.

"So how'd it go?" My dad asked and gave him a tried smile.

"The baby is good. He's healthy and happy" I responded while running my fingers through Liam's hair gently.

"Where's Conner?" Louise asked.

"He went over to the nursery to make sure they took care of our baby" I laughed and Louise smiled.

Louise was upset when she found out Conner and I had split but she didn't make either of us feel bad about our decision. She completely understood and I loved her for that. Now my dad on the other hand wanted to rip Conners head off since he promised never to hurt me.

All the sudden the nurse came in pushing a cart with a glass cradle on top of it and a baby wrapped in a blue blanket inside of it.

Conner came in behind her smiling at me. I gently lifted a sleeping Liam off of me and passed him over to my dad. Then the nursed placed Carson in my arms then she left leaving the cradle next to me.

"So..." Louise's eyes shown excitement while looking at Carson.

"Yes?" I asked with a smirk knowing exactly what she wanted.

"What's his name?"she asked basically shaking with excitement.

"Meet Carson Wilfred Melody" I said while looking down at my third baby boy.

"Mommy why is he so small?" I looked over at Kylie who was sitting in Louise's arms.

"Well he's a baby and he needed to be small to fit in my belly" I told her with a laugh and she nodded before going back to play with Louise's face and ears.

"Can I hold him mommy?" I heard Violet ask so I looked over at her and nodded. I waved her over and she walked over to me and climbed in the bed then crawled up so she could sit next to me.

I gently placed Carson in her arms,he whined for a second before settling.

"I want a picture with the whole family together" Sasha announced and I laughed before nodding.

Conner went over and grabbed A sleeping Liam from my dad and then Kylie from his mom he then walked over and stood next to my bed while I got all the triplets organized in front of me.

Once we were ready Sasha took the picture and showed me in which I started to cry.

Looking at the picture I realized how fast my babies were growing up and it made me really sad but I also realized how much my children are growing into their own people and I couldn't be happier about that.

Even though rough things have happened to my family I realize that it has brought all of us closer and I could never be mad about that.

As long as I had my family by my side everything would be okay.
I had known from the beginning that Conner and Elena would not be together at the end. I wanted to make the ending real since in life things don't end the way you want them too and not everything will be rainbows and unicorns!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the journey of Conner,Elena and the kids because I know I did.

Look for my new books whenever I decide to post them:)


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