A New Century

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Chapter Three!

A New Century

1st of January 2000 - The Italian Ministry  

The Ministry was raising later than normal this morning. It was a New Year, a new century. The Millennium, the start of something new for the outside world. But not inside the unholy church, they had their own sinister future plans. The Italian Ministry had welcomed in the New Year with a lavish party, the Clergy had pulled out all the stops to achieve enjoyment. The wine had been flowing, the hallways had been decorated with with red lights and silver balloons. Candles burnt brightly on table tops, there had been champagne and plenty of elegant finger food. Music and dancing filled the main hallway, they had watched fireworks from the Ministry steps. The night had been fun, the ghouls and the Clergy employees had mingled together until the early hours. Most were still wallowing in their beds with sore heads, but some were just leaving their rooms.

Albany closed her room's door behind her and wandered down the hallway, it was just after 9am. She had taken advantage of the extra hour in bed this morning, but she wasn't hungover like some people she knew. Nihil had been knocking drinks back with his favourite ghoul and some of the high ranking members of the Clergy, but unknown to him Phil had been pacing himself. There was a few deflated balloons in the hallway and paper chains draped over one of the banisters on the main stairway, there was two empty wine glasses sitting on a step. The ghouls still had their cleaning duties to fulfil this morning, she didn't envy them. Pulling a silver balloon's ribbon free that had been caught on candelabra stand Albany allowed it the float behind her while she walked along the hallway, her fingers played with the colourful ribbons. She had fun at the party, it was nice catching up with some of her old work colleagues again. Albany had danced with Phil, she hadn't done that since she was child. He use to let her stand on his feet, but she was much more heavier now than she was when she was a child. The memories from last night were still fresh in her mind, it was the first time in along time that she had actually enjoyed herself. The last year and half had been tough, she still thought about Los Angeles. She hadn't been in touch with anyone from the Los Angeles Ministry, but she did miss Copia. After everything that happened she often wondered if he was doing okay, she dared not ask Terzo about him when he had last visited Italy. He may tell Papa about his suspensions, she didn't want anything to happen to him even though he had deceived her for most of their relationship.

Albany stopped outside of the kitchen's doorway, she let go of the balloon's ribbon. It floated towards the ceiling. She watched it bobbing along the ceiling before she entered the kitchen, the scent of toast and porridge greeted her arrival. The table was set for two people, but one of the places was already taken. Nihil was sitting at the head of the table, his face was resting in his hands. He had been partying with the ghouls last night, he had drank heavily. The night had been fun, but for him the aftermath was just beginning. Taking a seat at the table she helped herself to some toast and poured herself a cup of coffee, the clinking of the knife against her plate caught her Father's attention. His fingers parting his gaze focused on his youngest child, his hands soon slid from his face. He looked tired and pale, he was dressed in his clothes from last night. His shirt collar was upturned, the smell of alcohol wafted from him. Albany gave him a sympathetic smile before she buttered her toast, but his voice soon broke the silence of the kitchen.

" Do you have to make so much noise?" He asked.

" Sorry, Papa." She said while she placed the knife on the plate. " How is your head this morning? Would you like me to get you some more coffee?"

" My head is throbbing, I can't remember much from last night..." He replied.

" That's what you get for not pacing yourself, it deserves you right." She said.

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