" You're welcome sweetie. I'm going to relax these muscles in a bath. I think I might have pushed too hard in trying to get this room ready for you. I should have taken Emery's offer in helping but..." Diane didn't really have an excuse besides the fact that she selfishly wanted to do something for Adrienne's return home. Diane recovered faster than Adrienne. Her condition with her heart was minor compared to Adrienne's.

" Mama, please don't stop taking care of yourself now that I'm home. My mobility isn't the greatest, but I can manage on my own. Besides, Dr. Figgs said, the only way to heal is to start doing for yourself." Adrienne spoke as she took her mother's hands in hers.

" Dr. Figgs isn't a medical doctor sweetheart." Diane began to play with Adrienne's fingers. She had admired Adrienne's strength these last couple of weeks. To lose a baby and go through so many surgeries in such a short time, Diane thought that Adrienne would be a mess. Instead Adrienne gravitated to Dr. Figgs, the therapist Dr. Moore recommended. Adrienne clung to every word Dr. Figgs spoke and did her homework for healing. Diane didn't realize that Adrienne was only mirroring what she saw Diane do for years.

" That woman is a genius. Extremely intelligent on the human mind and emotional being. No wonder you always read her books. What happened to you stealing quotes from books on life?" Adrienne joked trying to lighten Diane's mood.

Diane shrugged then gave Adrienne a smile. " I guess I'm making up for lost time for not being there when you needed me. I've been where you are and I guess I'm just waiting for you to lose it."

Diane sighed thinking of the moments in her life where the pain was just too much. Back then she didn't have anyone to pull her out of her funk. She believed the only reason that she did was because she had babies to take care of.

" Adrienne, would you tell me if things become too much?" Diane asked, looking directly into Adrienne's eyes.

Adrienne gave her a puzzled look, confused by the question. " Would you tell me if you felt like giving up...on life?

Adrienne's eyes widened as she was shocked by the question. Yet it was a valid question. " Have you? " Adrienne didn't mean to answer a question with a question but she wanted to understand her mother's concern. Maybe it would help her in being honest with her mother.

" I've had my moments. Yes. Sometimes I've felt like life wasn't worth living if had to continue to go through pain." Diane spoke honestly as she teared her eyes away from her daughter. " Every Time I've gotten that low, I found out that I was pregnant. I really mean it when I say you guys are my lifeline. After this past year, I realize that basing my happiness on you guys is just as unhealthy as keeping all these secrets."

Adrienne reached for Diane chin to bring Diane's focus back on her. " Honestly Mama, I feel like dying everyday, but I'm too stubborn to give up now. I won't lie to you and say that everything is okay because I'm not okay. In fact, I'm miserable. I'm angry, I'm sad, and I'm scared but I'm still here. I'm here trying to learn how to breathe again. I'm here trying to love myself again.That has to count for something right?"

Diane's tears welled in her eyes as she listened to Adrienne speak her truth. " I'm not going anywhere Mama. You need to make sure you're still here because we all need you to be well. "

Diane pulled Adrienne to a hug, careful not to squeeze her to hard. " I see you're trying baby. I really do. I love you."

" I love you too Mama."

After sitting in the embrace for a while, Diane broke the embrace and wiped her eyes. " I'm going to soak in the bath now. Don't hesitate to call me if you need me. This house is too damn big for you to roam around by yourself right now so please ask for help. Momma Rose is in the room downstairs off from the kitchen and mine is on the opposite side of the house near the stairs." Diane placed a kiss on her cheek before slowly getting up. " Good Night Baby,"

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now