Chapter 80: No Repentance

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"Hyung! Wait!!!" Jaehyun shouts as he chases after his older brother with Hyunjin absentmindedly trailing behind.

"I wasn't going to leave you two." Seventeen-year-old Jaewook chuckles when he sees his younger brothers frantically running towards them.

"Thank you for driving us to the game." Jaehyun smiles and gets into the backseat of his older brother's Jeep with Hyunjin quietly sitting next to him.

"Of course." Jaewook grins then drives off with his brothers.

"Are we picking up Minhyun hyung, or is he coming with Chanyeol hyung?" Jaehyun asks as he makes sure that Hyunjin's seatbelt is buckled correctly

"Chanyeol hyung will bring him." Jaewook responds and looks at his brothers through the rearview mirror. "Mini Jinnie, what are you reading that is so interesting?"

"Eomma published a new chapter." Hyunjin mumbles as he worries for his favorite character.

"Oh really? How is it going?" Jaewook smiles when he hears Hyunjin.

"Read it on your own." Hyunjin hums as he finishes the chapter.

"Okay. I will." Jaewook chuckles and focuses on the road.

"We'll totally beat Lutium, right?" Jaehyun asks as he looks at the stats for their team.

"Of course we will. Yeonjun hyung is on the team." Jaewook responds and pulls into the parking lot.

"Fuck. Are we seriously sitting with Yeonjun hyung's annoying girlfriend?" Jaehyung grumbles with a frown as he glares at the girlfriend.

"Looks like it." Jaewook sighs as he feels his energy drain out of him by just looking at her.

"Wookie!" Minhyun shouts when he sees his boyfriend.

"Honey!" Jaewook happily smiles when he sees the pretty beta.

"When will Yeonjun dump her?" Chanyeol grumpily growls as he glares at her.

"I wish he had done it the moment they met." Jaewook grumbles as they walk towards her.

As the group of grouchy males sits down, Yeonjun's girlfriend brags about how handsome her boyfriend is and who his friends are.

"Can she be any louder?" Minhyun grumbles loud enough for her to hear.

"Yeonjun really only dates for sex." Jaewook responds as she glares at them.

"I am going to tell Oppa what you said!" She shouts at them with anger in her voice.

"All of his fucks are the same." Hyunjin shrugs his shoulders as he scrolls through the different manhwas he is reading at the moment.

"How dare you?!" She shrieks and lifts her hand to slap Hyunjin.

Hyunjin doesn't even flinch as his two true blood brothers snarl in warning. However, what surprises him the most is the sudden arrival of Yeonjun who roughly grabs her wrist with hatred blazing in his eyes.

"How dare you raise your hand or voice at Jeon Hyunjin?" Yeonjun snarls as his grip tightens.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?" Hyunjin asks in surprise as he looks up at the angered true blood.

"I came to see if you had found good seats." Yeonjun smiles at Hyunjin as his deadly grip tightens around her wrist.

"Let her go before you break her wrist." Chanyeol mutters.

"Fuck off. I never want to see you again." Yeonjun snarls as he releases her wrist.

"Hyung, you really should stop fucking around and just find rut partners for your ruts." Jaewook sighs and shakes his head.

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