Chapter 22: House Warming

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"Oh my god!" Minkyu shouts as he looks at the Kims' mansion.

"This place is huge!" Jewon shrieks and walks up to the door with Minkyu.

"Stop being dramatic. Did you guys forget who he really is?" Aecha laughs and presses the doorbell.

To their surprise, an alpha pup opens the door and looks at them with a threatening gaze.

"Hello there, little alpha! I'm Jewon and these are my friends. We're here to give Alpha Kim and Omega Kim presents for their new home." Jewon greets the young alpha to see if he will let them in.

"Yoongi! Let them in. They are my friends!" Namjoon shouts to the alpha pup.

"Come in." Yoongi walks off, leaving the large door open.

"I guess we can go in." Minkyu mumbles and walks into the large house.

"Welcome! I'm sorry that I didn't answer the door to greet you guys. I'm a little busy." Namjoon explains while he struggles with building a playhouse for Yoongi.

"Don't worry about it! Now, where is the pretty mate?" Minkyu smiles and looks around the large living room.

"He's upstairs getting ready. I'll bring him down in a little bit." Namjoon answers and looks at Yoongi with a sigh when he can't seem to get the playhouse to go together.

"Friend's kid?" Aecha asks as she watches the little alpha crawl all over Namjoon.

"Yeah. He's cute." Namjoon chuckles and stands up with Yoongi in his arms.

"Joonie, I'm ready." Jin links his mate once he is dressed and comfortable.

When Namjoon walks into their room, he smiles as his beautiful mate stands in front of him. Jin is wearing one of the large, soft, pink sweaters that Namjoon bought for him when they went shopping.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Namjoon smiles and lifts Jin into his arms bridal style then carries him downstairs.

When they walk into the living room, Namjoon's coworkers instantly coo and adore the beautiful omega. Jin blushes and hides his face in Namjoon's chest when he hears them.

"I told you that he's prettier than an angel." Minkyu smiles and looks at Jewon whose mouth is hanging open in surprise.

"Congratulations on your home and new family." Aecha smiles and sets her gift with the other gifts.

"Thank you." Namjoon responds as he sets Jin on the couch.

"Jin!" Yoongi happily squeals and crawls into the omega's lap. To the little alpha's horror, Jin is bigger than last time, so he can't properly sit in Jin's lap.

Everyone laughs as the little alpha moves around until he finds a position where he can be in Jin's lap. Jin coos when Yoongi ends up laying his head in Jin's lap and happily closes his eyes as he listens to Taehyung's heartbeat.

"So, there is food over here and plenty of drinks. Make yourselves at home and relax." Namjoon smiles and leads everyone to the dining area where various foods are laid out.

"How is my beautiful son-in-law feeling?" Yongjoon asks Jin as Jin lovingly pets the sleeping alpha pup in his lap.

"I am ok. I'm just really tired recently. The doctor said that I should stay in bed more now that November is ending." Jin answers and smiles at Namjoon's father.

"Good. You should definitely stay in bed more. I'll come around more often to check on you." Yongjoon nods in understanding because Namjoon's beautiful mother had a hard time carrying him since he was a large pup.

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