Chapter 8: Precious Gift

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After setting up the new phone for Jin, Namjoon begins preparing for work. Jin watches and realizes that he will miss Namjoon while he is at work. He is becoming attached to the alpha at an alarming rate, but he is not frightened because Namjoon is becoming attached just as fast.

"Be careful driving to work and back home. I saw that it is going to rain again tonight." Jin tells Namjoon as the alpha puts on his shoes to leave.

"I'll be extra careful." Namjoon smiles and gently caresses Jin's face. "If you get hungry, there is some congee that I made that is in the warmer. You can put whatever you want on it. Plus, there are the snacks on the counter. If anything happens, call me. I will come as quickly as possible. If nothing happens but you want to talk, text or call. I'll answer." Namjoon leans down and presses a soft kiss on Jin's forehead.

"I'll probably text you." Jin grins and hugs the alpha.

"I'll be home at around 11." Namjoon tells Jin as he hugs the omega back. "Appa will be home soon, so take care of your Eomma while I'm gone." The alpha coos as he lowers to Taehyung's level and presses a kiss on the baby bump. Jin coos at Namjoon's tender words and touch.

"Be safe." Jin smiles as Namjoon walks out the door.

"I'll be back. Rest, Jin." Namjoon smiles then shuts the door, leaving Jin in the large apartment.

The omega sighs and looks around the empty apartment and begins to wonder how Namjoon lived here alone. As he wanders around the apartment, he opens the door to one of the other rooms and sees the halted renovations. He remembers the phone call that Namjoon made earlier that day to the company that's doing the renovations, asking them to put it on pause for the moment.

The empty apartment is way too big for the omega, so he quickly goes to their room and curls up in the nest. As he lies there, he notices that some of the clothes are losing their scent, so he quickly replaces them with Namjoon's clothes in the hamper. At this moment, Jin is beyond grateful that Namjoon scented him. The omega snuggles his face into the sweater he is wearing and breathes in Namjoon's scent.

As the omega drifts off to sleep, Namjoon arrives at the restaurant to prepare it for opening hours. When he walks in, they all look up at him with questions in their eyes.

"He's ok. I overreacted." Namjoon mumbles and walks into the break room to change into his uniform.

"You couldn't have told us over the group message?!" One of the chefs shouts and storms into the room.

"Just so everyone knows, his mate is gorgeous!" The sous chef sings as he prepares his area.

"You met him?" They all gasp with big eyes, begging to hear more.

"He's sweet, too. I don't know how this grouchy alpha got himself an omega as sweet as him." The sous chef dramatically explains.

"I knew that Kim had to have a mate since he never flirts back with anyone." The owner mumbles with a grin.

"Makes sense." They all mutter and nod.

At this moment, Namjoon is beyond grateful that he told his horny ass to not sleep with any of his co-workers. He doesn't want anyone to know about Jin's past. He wants all of that pain to be erased. As he thinks about it, he hasn't slept with anyone in about six months.

"What does his mate look like?" The new chef asks as he tries to imagine the omega.

"He is absolutely stunning. Namjoon had him bundled up from head to toe, so I can't really comment on his body. But his face is that of an angel." The sous chef explains and grins at Namjoon who huffs and turns away.

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