Chapter 77: Red and Gold

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Once Hoseok and his family arrive at the Jeons' home, the large family goes to the hospital to see Jimin, Yoongi, and Taeri. When they walk into the room, Hoseok instantly walks over to the new pup and lifts her from the warmer.

"Taeri, I am going to be the funnest uncle out of the group." Hoseok coos and kisses Taeri's forehead.

"Not true. I am most definitely the funnest uncle." Taehyung argues as he glares at Hoseok. "She was even named after me."

"We named Taeyeon and Taemin after you too." Hoseok laughs and looks at his daughter.

"Which shows that I am the coolest of the uncles." Taehyung points out with a proud smile.

"So many pups named after their Uncle Taetae." Jin coos and squishes his youngest son's cheeks.

"That means that I'm the most loved brother." Taehyung grins in happiness.

"Definitely." Yoongi chuckles at his younger brother's adorableness.

After visiting for about an hour, the large family goes back home. Once they are alone, Jimin opens his arms for his mate to snuggle with him in bed. Yoongi quickly crawls into the bed with his mate and happily purrs.

"Thank you so much for taking such good care of me." Jimin hums as his mate wraps him in his warm embrace.

"I love you." Yoongi smiles and pecks Jimin's cheek.

"I love you too." Jimin happily hums and nestles in his mate's warm embrace.

The two mates quietly stay in each other's arms and listen to each other's hearts beating. As they cuddle, Jimin breathes in his mate's comforting and strong scent. He happily hums and buries his nose against his mark on his mate's shoulder.

After staying in the hospital to rest for three days, Jimin and Taeri are discharged and sent home. Once they are in Jungkook's home, Jungkook suggests that they stay six months to continue to receive care from the doctors in Ignis.

"Thank you so much. We are very grateful and will love to stay." Yoongi quickly hugs a very startled Jungkook.

"You are welcome." Jungkook shyly mutters still not fully used to the warmth and love of the Kims.

"Wookie! What are you doing?!" Taehyung shrieks when he sees Jaewook trying to pick Taeri up.

"She peed." He mutters and looks at his mother with one of his brothers' diapers in his hands.

"Okay, let me change her diaper." Taehyung sighs in relief and takes the new born from his son. "Do you want me to show you how to change her diaper?"

Jaewook nods in response and watches as Taehyung places Taeri on the changing table. He watches as Taehyung carefully and quickly changes her diaper. "After changing the diaper, you have to throw the dirty diaper away. You can't flush it down the toilet." Taehyung explains and places the diaper in a lavender scented bag.

"Okay." Jaewook hums and watches over Taeri while Taehyung throws the diaper away.

"Now we place her back in her crib. She is like when Jae and Mini Jinnie were born. She's too small to be played with right now." Taehyung explains and places Taeri in her crib.

"Oh." Jaewook nods in understanding then looks over at Jaehyun who is already toddling around the house while Hyunjin happily sits in their father's arms.

Once Jin and Namjoon finish with dealing with the enemy packs, they return to their youngest son's home to be with their family. Every morning that Jungkook wakes up to a full home, he looks around at his large family in awe. For the true blood, it is hard to remember what his home was like without his mate chasing after their mischievous Jaehyun while Jaewook plays with Hyunjin.

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