🔞 Chapter 12: Heat

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When they pull up to the cabin, Jin gasps in awe as his eyes grow to the size of saucers. The alpha softly chuckles when he hears the omega's excited response.

"This place is beautiful!" Jin squeals as Namjoon lifts him out of the car.

"Do you want to walk around, or do you want me to carry you?" Namjoon asks as he carries Jin to the cabin.

"I'll walk." Jin smiles as Namjoon carefully sets him down. "The fall leaves are beautiful." The omega coos and gently rubs his belly.

"I'm glad that you like it." The alpha smiles in excitement and supportively wraps his arm around Jin's waist. Their alpha pup has been growing at a rapid rate. Jin is already much bigger than a week ago.

Jin oohs and ahhs as Namjoon opens the door of the cabin. When they walk in, the omega cranes his neck as he looks up and down. The cabin has a twenty foot ceiling with walls made of glass. The living room area is decorated elegantly with white couches and glass coffee tables. The entire cabin is beautifully lit by the large glass windows.

When they walk into the kitchen, Jin's eyes widen as he looks at the large size and expensive appliances. He realizes that Namjoon must have designed this place then had someone build it because it's perfect. This is the place Namjoon has been preparing for his mate and pups.

"Let's live here." Jin smiles and looks up at Namjoon who is watching the omega's every reaction.

"Really?" The sweet alpha asks with excitement sparkling in his eyes.

"Of course. This place is beautiful." Jin grins and pecks Namjoon's lips who smiles brightly at the omega.

"So, you like it?" Namjoon whispers and pulls Jin close.

"I love it." Jin whispers back and melts in the alpha's gentle touch.

"When should we move here?" The alpha asks and sways with Jin in his arms.

"Soon, since I won't be able to move in a few weeks." Jin grins and looks up at his alpha.

"We can start the preparations tomorrow." Namjoon suggests and slowly leads Jin to the couch to sit and relax a little.

"I would love that." The omega smiles and looks around the beautiful house as he sits in his alpha's arms.

After looking around the entire cabin, Jin is completely exhausted and lifts his arms for Namjoon to carry him. The alpha coos at the adorable omega and gently lifts him bridal style. As Namjoon carries his mate and unborn pup to the car, the fall breeze gently brushes against them and rustles the colorful leaves of the forest around them.

"This place is beyond beautiful." Jin smiles and leans his head against the chest of his alpha.

"I can't wait to run with you through the trees and listen to Tae's beautiful laughter echoing through the forest. You and Taehyung are everything and more that I have hoped and prayed for." Namjoon smiles as he carefully places the pregnant omega into the backseat of the car.

"You are more than I ever thought I could imagine. Sometimes, I wonder if you are even real." Jin smiles and lovingly cups his alpha's face in his hands. "My hands are so swollen." The omega pouts when he sees them.

"You are adorable." Namjoon chuckles and kisses the omega's nose then carefully shuts the car door.

The drive home is quiet as Jin falls asleep to the lull of the sound of driving and Namjoon's calming scent. When they arrive at the apartment, Namjoon carefully lifts the pregnant omega out of the car and carries him to the apartment. As he walks down the hallway with his family in his arms, a beta and omega pair walk past him and coo at the adorable pair. Namjoon softly smiles when he hears them and looks down at his sleeping omega.

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