Chapter 1: October Gift

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As the rain pours outside of the restaurant and lightning flashes across the night sky, the exhausted, silver-haired alpha reaches his shaky hand out to the pack of cigarettes sitting on the counter. The moment thunder clashes through the air and shakes the building, the large alpha snatches up the pack and goes outside and stands beneath the awning at the back of the building.

He takes a deep breath of the rainy air then places a cigarette between his lips. The exhausted alpha sighs as he stares at his shaking hand then flicks his lighter. As the flame dances in front of the man's face, another flash of lightning streaks across the night.

"I really should stop before I kill my lungs." The alpha grumbles then places the flickering flame against the end of his cigarette.

As he takes a deep breath of the poisonous fog, he hears something clatter in the alley, so he stops and turns to see who is there. When lightning lights up the sky, he sees a terrified man staring at him completely drenched by the pouring rain. The alpha freezes when a second flash of lightning lights up the sky because he is able to see the pregnancy bump barely covered by the thin clothing clinging to the smaller male.

The pregnant omega quickly stumbles backward to escape the large alpha that is staring at him but ends up tripping and falling to the ground. When the omega looks up, the alpha is gone, so he tries to quickly stand to his feet before the alpha returns to hurt him. As he stands up, there is a sudden warm presence around him, and a jacket is draped over his thin shoulders as an umbrella protects him from the rain.

When the omega looks up in surprise, the alpha from before is right beside him, wrapping a protective arm around his shoulders. The terrified omega slowly follows the alpha into the restaurant then sits in the seat that the alpha pulls out for him.

The omega's eyes grow in size as he looks around the Michelin Star restaurant. The place is sparkling clean and everything is fancy to the omega.

Some clinking noises and the sound of fire lighting up catches the omega's attention, so he turns to see what the alpha is doing. He silently watches as the alpha begins cooking something that smells beyond delicious to the cold, starving omega.

When shivers begin shaking his thin frame, the omega protectively wraps his arms around his swollen belly to try and warm up. The alpha quickly turns and looks at the shivering omega when he hears a quiet whimper then quickly moves to the pregnant omega's side.

"Are you ok?" A deep voice asks the pregnant omega.

"I-I'm cold." The omega quietly whispers and curls into a ball, waiting for retaliation from the alpha.

"Let me get you something warm to wear." The alpha mumbles and quickly walks away to grab warm clothing.

The alpha returns faster than lightning with a thick sweater in his hands then carefully slips the coat off of the omega. He grimaces when he sees the bony shoulders and collarbones sticking out from the wet t-shirt. No one should be in cold October rain dressed like this.

The omega quickly moves his hand to cover up his unmarked shoulder as shame fills him and tears begin to well up in his eyes. He is pregnant and unmarked. There is nothing more shameful for an omega in this pack than that.

"It's ok. I won't judge you. I have no right to judge you." The alpha softly tells the scared omega and gently removes the omega's hand.

"I'm shameful." The omega softly cries and covers his face.

In this moment, the alpha knows that the omega has been abused and abandoned and that breaks his heart. He can't imagine how scared and alone the pregnant omega must feel. He knows that the stares and whispers the omega receives is enough to make anyone go crazy with fear and sorrow.

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