Chapter 55: End of the Day

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When the large family arrives at the Jeon mansion after the shopping trip, Jimin stares at all of the bags of designer clothing that Yoongi bought for him.

"Did we get everything that you wanted?" Yoongi softly asks as he gently wraps his arm around his mate's waist.

"I think we got more than the things I wanted." Jimin mutters as he looks up at his mate.

"Good. I want you to have more than enough." Yoongi smiles and gently kisses his omega's forehead.

"We should have bought stuff for our pup instead of so much for me." Jimin pouts and looks down at his stomach.

"Eomma bought several baby things for our pup." Yoongi responds and points at the many bags that are coming out of his parents' car.

"Really?!" Jimin gasps in shock as he counts the many bags.

"Wookie, do you like this?" Jungkook asks as he hands his son the coat that he bought for his son.

"Yes!" Jaewook shouts in excitement and holds onto the warm coat.

"All of my Wookie's clothes are black." Taehyung mumbles as he unpacks the bags of clothes they bought.

"Is that okay?" Jungkook nervously asks and looks up at his mate.

"He's going to be the most handsome little pup." Taehyung smiles and holds up the black sweater he is folding.

"I only wear black, so that's all that I know looks good." Jungkook mutters and looks at the black clothes that Taehyung is folding.

"That is perfect. I know that Wookie will love the clothes. Every pup wants to match their parents." Taehyung gets up and walks over to his nervous mate then sits down next to Jungkook and holds his hand.

"Wookie, do you like your clothes?" Jungkook asks as he watches Jaewook adorably rummage through the clothes they bought for him.

"Love! Wookie love!" Jaewook happily exclaims and hugs a large bundle of clothing.

"Good." Jungkook sighs in relief and smiles as his son plays with his clothes.

As they put Jaewook's clothing in their closet, Taehyung wonders who the female alpha was from before. He had noticed how she had looked and Jungkook and seemed to personally know him.

"Taehyung, what is on your mind?" Jungkook asks when he notices that his mate seems to be thinking about something.

"The female alpha from before, do you know her?" Taehyung asks and looks up at his mate.

"I do. I rutted with her once; however, I told her and the others that there was nothing more to it than needing someone during my ruts. Plus, I only ever was with anyone once." Jungkook explains.

"Oh okay. That makes sense then." Taehyung mumbles and nods his head. "Were your rut partners able to handle your ruts?"

"Not really. I always had three or four partners for each rut." Jungkook barely mutters as embarrassment floods him.

"Oh, well now you will only need one. You have me." Taehyung smiles and hugs his embarrassed mate.

"My ruts are pretty rough and can get violent at times. That is why I am worried about you."

"I am Jeon Taehyung. I can handle my mate just fine." Taehyung gently kisses his worried mate.

"If I ever hurt you, or if you are scared, call out for Siwon. He will get you out and protect you."

"I trust you, so I know that I will be okay."

By the time that they have put Jaewook's clothes away in their closet, Siwon has arrived with both of his sons. Jin lovingly dotes on the one-year-old beta pup in Siwon's arms.

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