Chapter 16: A Fight in the Library

Start from the beginning

"Work harder, less talking." She said, and Albus nodded.

"Why don't we ask Fred?" Albus asked quietly.

"That'd be a nice talk. 'Why Fred, have you been meeting a Muggle in the forest?'" Quinn said, imitating Fred's voice.

"You're right. I don't even think Fred's meeting up with her. Why would she not know about wands and Muggles that way? Fred would be stupid enough to tell her." Albus said, but Quinn shook her head.

"He's smarter than that, you idiot." she said, and they continued with their mice.


After the Transfiguration lesson they went to the Great Hall for Lunch. Lunch in the Great Hall always was nice, bread, bacon, and a lot of fruits. Albus heard that a few years before Teddy first went to Hogwarts someone ended up in the Hospital Wing because of a vitamin C defficiency. From that time on, Hogwarts always served fruit. Albus took a bite of an apple, when Luke and Tyler came into the hall. Albus hadn't spoken to them much after Lily outed them, but they sat across from him.

"Hi guys." Said Tyler, and Albus greeted him back. "Have you heard? Professor Chubbs will return next week." he said, and Albus looked over to the teachers' table. His dad was talking to Hagrid and Neville. Albus sighed.

"Suppose my dad will have to return to the ministry then." He said, and the others nodded. "Luckily he's only leaving next week, so we can all produce Patroni." he said, when Rose joined them.

"You guys, we have a notification for DADA next class. It will be a longer class but Unc- Harry will see us alone, the rest is a study hour, so he hired the library, after making a drama with Mrs Pince."

After they finished Lunch they walked to the library, wherr they waited for the next class to start. After not so long the rest of the class - including the Slytherins arrived.

"Okay, I have a list from which we'll work, starting with Jade Conover." The tall Slytherin gril followed Harry and the rest was to study. However, only Rose and Scorpius went to study.

"Guess your dad will tell Chubbs you're worth an outstanding, being the first to succesfully produce a Patronus." Ervin said, and Albus chuckled.

"Guess you're worth a Troll then, seeing as your dad is a Death Eater." He snapped.

"Oh, Potter is being his very own self again. Are you just as sassy if I wipe the floor with your ass." Ervin said, causing Albus to take out his wand. Ervin mimicked him, and the group around them made space when Harry returned.

"Well done Jade, next Luke Finnigan." He said, and looked up to see Albus and Ervin smiling way too sweet. Luke walked together with Harry to where they'd practice, and Albus pointed his wand at Ervin.

"Flipendo!" (A/N: I currently write on my dad's iPad which doesn't have a Bold/cursive button or I don't know how to work it so spells and everything are not different for now, sorry!!) Albus yelled, knocking Ervin over. He was taken by surprise and it took him a moment to readjust.

"Aguamenti!" He exclaimed, but Albus ducked away in time, so the spray of water hit a shelf of books.

"Locomotor Wibbly!" Albus yelled, knowing Ervin would take long to unjelify the Jelly-Legs jinx. "Furnunculus!" Albus yelled after it, seeing the pimples rise in Ervin's face. A few girls around them made faces and yelled 'yuck!', when someone pulled Albus' wand from his hand. Felicia.

"Okay, I'm very sorry Al, but blood comes first. Incendio!" She yelled at Albus, who again got away, but a pile of books caught fire.

Then Quinn joined in. "Aguamenti! Felicia, how dare you try to set my best friend on fire! Expelliarmus!" Albus' wand flew from Felicia's grip - who immediately took out her own. Quinn caught it, handed it to Albus when a shriek was heard.

"The entire foreign languages shelf, soaked, and the pile of new Charms books, burned!" Mrs Pince yelled, and she looked at Albus, Quinn, Ervin and Felicia, who all had their wands out. "You, you, you and you to Professor McGonagall and Professor Slughorn." She shrieked, and the four followed her. "I knew he shouldn't have done his class in the library, but he insisted." Mrs Pince mumbled, as she opened the staff wing door. McGonagall and Slughorn came out of the door after Mrs Pince, looking at the four angrily. Well, McGonagall looked angry, Slughorn rather amused.

The four were to follow McGonagall, and they entered her office.

"I'm very disappointed. Why is it, when something happens, you are involved?" She asked, probably more to Albus and Quinn than to Felicia and Ervin. Albus looked at the ground.

"Professor, he called my father a Death Eater." Ervin said, and McGonagall shook her head.

"Albus calls more people Death Eaters. I think I'll just settle for ten points each." She said, but added: "And some detention. I will let you know when and where." She said, and the four were allowed to leave again.



Hi guys! Sorry for the late update but I was out all day... I hope you guys still like my story and if you don't then sorry! Please just tell me what you miss or what you'd like to see, I will use the ideas. So, do you think the Muggle was there for Fred or someone else?

Love, as always,

Florence (who is annoyed with her dad's ipad's autocorrect. Damn It, Autocorrect!)

Albus Severus Potter - Year 6 (Sequel to ASP & the Cloak of Wisdom)Where stories live. Discover now