Chapter 76: Our Little Gem

Start from the beginning

"She is a month early, but she is healthy. There is nothing for you two to worry about." The OB-GYN tells them as he watches the family.

Once Jimin and their daughter are placed in their room, the room is flooded with the very excited family in sanitized scrubs.

"As the only girls in the family, she and Taeyeon are going to be so spoiled." Namjoon chuckles as he looks at his granddaughter.

"That is most definitely the plan." Jin happily smiles.

"She is very adorable." Mido softly laughs with tears in her eyes as she looks at the sweet pup.

"She has such pretty eyes like Jimin." Taehyung coos when the pup's eyes look in their direction.

"What is her name?" Yongjoon asks.

"Kim Taeri." Yoongi answers while lovingly smiling at his mate and pup.

"We both agreed to use Tae after her uncle." Jimin smiles and looks at a surprised Taehyung.

"Me? Are you sure that you want her to be like me?" Taehyung softly laughs and shakes his head.

"We most definitely want her to be kind and brave like her uncle." Jimin responds with a soft smile.

"We will see if she steals my underwear though." Yoongi chuckles as he looks at his younger brother.

"She will most definitely be a handful and a bright light." Jin lovingly smiles and hugs his youngest son.

"I think she pooped." Jungkook quietly mutters when he recognizes the scent of newborn poop.

"Oh. I'll change her diaper." Yoongi responds and picks up his daughter.

As Yoongi changes Taeri's diaper, Jaewook wanders over to watch. When he sees her, he gasps in shock. "It's gone!"

"What is?" Yoongi asks and looks down at his shocked nephew.

"Penis!" He shrieks in horror.

"Uhh, she doesn't have one." Taehyung nervously laughs and drags his shocked son away.

"How does she pee?" Jaewook asks beyond confused.

"You will learn when you are older." Jungkook tells his confused son.

"Makes no sense." The young alpha mutters then looks down at his pants.

"Pups." Namjoon laughs as he looks at his grandson.

"Jimin must be beyond exhausted. Let's go and let him rest." Jin suggests when he sees Jimin's eyes sleepily droop.

"You don't need to leave." Jimin sleepily mumbles.

"It's okay. Rest. We will come back later today to check on you." Jin softly tells Jimin then herds his large family out of the hospital room.

"How did you two get here so quickly?" Taehyung asks his parents who have been busy taking care of the mess of the enemy packs.

"We were actually on our way to surprise everyone when Jungkook called us, so we quickly went to the hospital." Namjoon answers his son.

"Oh, that makes sense. How is everything going?" Taehyung responds and looks at his parents.

"It is going well. There are two more packs left. Once we finish those packs, everything will calm down." Namjoon smiles and hugs his son who has Hyunjin strapped to his chest. Hyunjin happily coos and grabs Namjoon's shirt and looks up at his grandfather. "I missed you too." Namjoon chuckles as he looks at his grandson.

"How long are you staying?" Taehyung asks his father as they walk to the car.

"We were thinking of staying for three days." Namjoon answers and looks over at his mate who is happily bouncing Jaehyun in his arms.

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