Chapter 184 Manipulation

Start from the beginning

In terms of the salt trade alone, Changhe City has surpassed Yancheng.

After the monopoly was broken, it was no longer possible for Yancheng and Yihucheng to set the salt price as they wished before. In order to retain the trading tribes, they had to adjust the price of coarse salt to be lower than that of Changhe City. But the trading items in Changhe City are far more than just salt. For the same distance, even if the price is slightly more expensive, everyone is still more willing to buy things from Changhe City. What's more, blood salt and snow salt are better than coarse salt and a bit more expensive, which everyone can understand and accept.

But these undoubtedly damaged the fundamental interests of Yancheng and Maverick City.

In the past one or two years, the merchant caravans of Changhe City, and some tribes who exchanged goods from Changhe City and were close to Changhe City, were frequently robbed and attacked. letter.

In order to reduce unnecessary losses, the merchant caravans in Changhe City can only go as far as the Nest Tribe, and it is beyond the reach of Yancheng and Yihucheng.

Over the past ten years, the Nest Tribe and the Great Lake Tribe relied on the salt trade of Changhe City, and they have transformed from a large tribe into a super tribe in the true sense. They imitated the development model of Changhe City and absorbed many small and medium-sized tribes around them. The strength skyrocketed. Although Yancheng and Yihucheng are very old super tribes, if they really want to make a move, the Dahu tribe and Nest tribe who are in the limelight are not afraid of them.

Both Yancheng and Yihucheng sensed a strong sense of crisis, and it was this sense of crisis that forced them to come out of their long-standing state of satisfaction and ease, and began to move toward further expansion around them.

At the same time, these few tribes are far from the only ones who are also on the road to expansion.

This seemingly peaceful continent, with the end of the Little Ice Age, the disappearance of the beast tide, and the rapid development of human tribes, has gradually become dark and turbulent.

Due to the distance between Yancheng and Changhecheng, although the two tribes had opposing positions due to the salt trade, they did not confront each other head-on, or even have any direct contact.

According to Bai's plan, in the short term, he doesn't plan to directly confront Yancheng and Maverick City, and even, in the short term, he doesn't plan to continue expanding to the south. His real goal is the area north of the Black Forest.

The climate in the south is good and suitable for planting and reproduction. In recent years, many large tribes and super tribes with good strength have emerged.

On the contrary, in the north of the Black Forest, the climate is very cold, and the land is mostly barren. In the past few years, many places were even covered with snow all the year round, so that there were few tribes, but they were able to survive in that environment and survived countless terrible Humans in the cold winter, no matter beastmen or pure humans, are very tough and good at fighting.

These people can become very good fighters with a little exercise.

Bai had a serious discussion with Wu Nuo, Da Wu, and the capable soldiers under him. If they blindly expand their power to the south and let the tribes in the north develop, they may face the situation of being attacked from both sides in the future. Instead of this, it is better to solve the hidden dangers now.

Bai never fights unprepared battles. He started planning two or three years ago. While secretly promoting the development of the valley tribe, he used caravans and pterosaur legions to cross the valley tribe and go directly to the slightly stronger forces in the north. Large and medium-sized tribes made direct contact. After several rounds of lobbying and various generous conditions, more than 70% of the tribes in the area north of the Black Forest that did not belong to the valley have agreed to become a small town in Long River City, and the remaining 30% are still hesitating, but they all Not explicitly rejected.

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