Chapter 58

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 Lu Taipan is the master of the snake cave, but at the same time he is indeed one of the snake warriors—the most powerful and top-notch snake warrior.

In terms of level, his rating is much higher than the required level two.

In principle, there is really no problem for such a poisonous snake warrior who fully meets the requirements to receive the escape mission and accompany Su Liang to the 48th district.

But once faced with the matter of "snake master Lu Taipan receiving the escape mission" , it was still very strange no matter how you looked at it.

"Any questions?"

Lu Taipan looked at Su Liang calmly, and asked.

"No, no."

Su Liang replied subconsciously, and then stiffly sat in the transport spaceship.

Strictly speaking, as an escort, Lu Taipan's professional level is indeed quite high. And just like what the steward said, he is really good at driving all kinds of transportation equipment. Because of the simple structure and small size of the transportation spaceship, it is usually much bumpier during the flight than the large spaceship. However, under the operation of Lu Taipan, this transportation spaceship The sailing of the spacecraft can only be described as light and smooth. It can be said that this is the most comfortable time for Su Liang in the experience of riding the transport spaceship.

However, this was also the time when Su Liang was disturbed by the experience of riding the transport spaceship.

He originally thought that because of Lu Zhizhao's strange behavior, he would spend the entire voyage in a daze, but the reality is that sitting in his seat, he couldn't help but pay attention to Lu Taipan who was beside him secretly.

The body of the Snake Cave Lord in the driver's seat stretched out, even in a simple transport boat, he looked unusually tall and slender. When he focused on the screen, the cold blue light hit his face, making his eyebrows and eyes look abnormal The profundity, that kind of astonishing beauty that is almost demonic is also becoming more and more obvious.

Moreover, it shouldn't be an illusion...

Su Liang could feel that someone was in a very happy mood at this time. The space in the cockpit of the transport spacecraft is small, and because of this, the presence of the pheromone that Alpha leaked slightly became stronger. At least for Su Liang. In Lu Taipan's pheromone, the customary cold breath has faded a lot, but the fiery and powerful fragrance of incense has become particularly strong.

Su Liang touched the back of her neck, and The skin above the glands was slightly tense.

Then, probably because Su Liang's gaze stayed on Lu Taipan for a moment longer, the man suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Liang frankly.

"What's wrong?" The

man asked in a deep voice

, "It's nothing."

Su Liang quickly turned his head and withdrew his gaze.

He held his breath and stared at the front of himself, his ears were hot, and his heartbeat was completely uncontrollable

. Taipan's composure, Su Liang felt that he was panicked and even a little embarrassed.

The boy felt a little bit of resignation.

"I thought it would be Xue Yinhuan or the Black Mamba who came to pick up the task."

Su Liang said suddenly , without thinking.

Lu Taipan stared ahead, his expression didn't seem to change at all, probably only the artificial intelligence that has been monitoring the status of the spacecraft could detect that at that moment just now, the force of the Lord of the Snake Cave falling on the driving joystick was a little bit stronger .

"They have their own tasks." Lu Taipan said.

After a while, he solemnly added another sentence.

"I am a member of the snake cave and a member of the poisonous snake warrior. also have the obligation to perform tasks. Under normal circumstances, if someone in the snake cave is in a non-execution state like me, the task distribution system will , and send him a suitable task."

Of course, someone withheld part of the truth from Su Liang.

As a poisonous snake warrior, the Lord of the Snake Cave is indeed obliged to perform tasks, but the last time Lu Taipan received the task was to assassinate the Emperor of Canaan and end the war between the Earth Alliance and Canaan.

Of course, even if Lu Taipan deliberately concealed many truths, Su Liang is not an idiot.

Daily tasks such as escorts that are not even marked in the system are impossible to assign to the head of the Snake Cave Master anyway.

Unless someone actively threatened the artificial intelligence system, forcing the innocent system to assign tasks to itself.

Su Liang opened his lips slightly, just about to ask, but fell silent again.

Thinking of the overly honest words and deeds that Lu Taipan showed to him before, Su Liang has no doubt that if he really asked, a certain poisonous snake warrior would admit without hesitation that he was pretending to be a public servant, and took this question on purpose. Task.

As for why someone did this...

Su Liang turned his face to the window, looking at the dark space outside the window flickeringly, but the heat on his face was quietly rising.

Su Liang was silent for a long time.

And he didn't realize that during the driving process, someone had been secretly glancing at him from the corner of his eye.

Seeing the young man beside him pursing his lips tightly without making a sound, the man lowered his eyelids and his eyes dimmed.

Maybe it was because I was too tight, which made Su Liang feel the pressure.

He still didn't find a chance to say the sentence that was on the tip of his tongue.

After a while, Lu Taipan suddenly heard a whisper as thin as a mosquito coming from beside him.

"Thank you, I'm very happy. If you're here.. . I'll feel at ease."

When speaking, Su Liang still kept looking out of the window, her ears were red.


After a long time, the Lord of the Snake Cave looked ahead and nodded as if nothing had happened .

"Hmm." In the

dim cockpit, a faint smile slowly appeared on the lips of the man.

The time was much shorter than expected, and the transport spacecraft landed in Area 48 very smoothly.

After leaving the spaceship parking area, Su Liang's expression became much tenser.

Without any navigation, Su Liang walked through the intricate and dilapidated alleyways of the Forty-eighth District with ease, walking towards the location in his memory. Lu Taipan also fell into silence at this time, his pitch-black combat uniform almost made him blend into the night completely, and he followed behind Su Liang like a hidden shadow.

Walking on the dimly lit and narrow alley exuding a slight odor, Su Liang's eyes were a little dazed.

Everything was just as it remembered, he thought.

What happened in the previous life suddenly became extremely vivid, as if Su Liang was still trapped here and never left.

Su Liang walked past a dilapidated small building with only a faint light in the crack of the door, and a pungent smell of chemical raw materials could still be smelled in the air. The boy's footsteps paused slightly because of this.

" Xiaoliang?"

Such a small movement attracted another person's concerned question.

"It's okay, I just remembered... I remembered that this kind of place was mentioned in the materials. The place we passed by was a garbage disposal plant."

Su Liang recovered, and then said.

He didn't explain too much , and he couldn't explain it—the basement of the small building he passed just now was an illegal waste treatment plant, and the toxic waste would be packed by other star districts and transported to the forty-eighth district, and then passed through here. Workers disassemble, separating useful electronic components and residual precious metals from discarded circuit boards.

The environment in the processing plant is extremely harsh, and the work is full of poisonous gas, odor and the gasping sounds of colleagues around because of serious illness.

Soak your hands in chemicals, and soon your nails will peel off, and so will the skin on your fingertips.

After a while, even when you leave the factory and breathe in normal air, you can clearly smell a lingering stench. It's as if at work, the smell has seenped into the body and can no longer be removed.

For people from other star regions, working in such a place is probably no different from living in hell.

But Su Liang relied on his work here to keep himself alive in the "garbage dump" in District 48.

Going forward, Su Liang passed a neat and simple pink tent without looking aside.

A group of handsome teenagers and girls were leaning against the doorway, joking with each other boredly. When Su Liang appeared, they looked at Su Liang very eagerly, but as Su Liang approached, those people shrank back in disinterest. , just looked at Su Liang Liang intentionally or unintentionally from the corner of his eye, and then exchanged surprise and disappointment with each other's eyes. ;

The young man who came out of the shadows was too beautiful, and his beautiful face could almost make people lose their minds . this can't be their customers at all.

On the contrary, the man following the young man not far behind was even more exciting.

The man's face was completely hidden behind the helmet, but just looking at his figure made people salivate.


A bold young man stopped in front of Lu Taipan abruptly, and the young man smiled and said to the man.

"There's nothing interesting around here, sir, would you like to come to our place to kill some time?"

After speaking, the young man glanced sideways at Su Liang who was not far away, and his smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

Compared with the face, he is very self-aware, compared with the man next to the man, he is really incomparable.


relying on the sharp eyes that have lived in the 48th District for many years, the young man doesn't have too many worries about Su Liang's existence.

That was a beta, but the man behind him was a very high-level alpha. No matter how you look at it, the two of them should be just fellow travelers or mission partners.

Thinking of this, the teenager has no psychological barriers.

Seeing the Alpha backing away silently, he only felt that business was about to run away, so he unbuttoned himself in front of the other person, exposing most of his chest.

The boy began to lean towards Lu Taipan weakly.

"Anyway, you're fine, come and play, it's okay..."

Then, someone raised his hand and gently pushed him back to his original position.


Su Liang sullenly said.

"We don't have time,"

he said.

Immediately behind him was Alpha's unwavering voice.

"My time is very precious, there is no way to waste it on other things." After finishing speaking, the man turned his head and seemed to glance at Su Liang, "And some people will be unhappy."

Su Liang: "..."

"Let's go. Su Liang took a

deep breath and said.

At this time, almost all the people in the "Pink House" cast their gazes over.

And the young man soliciting business turned red and white, and wrapped his clothes tightly in annoyance.

"What are you doing? Since you two have one leg, what are you doing so openly while walking? Are you having fun here? Tsk, wasting my time—"

Under the young man's cursing, Su Liang hesitated for a moment, then, he lowered his eyes, He quietly took the man's hand.

Then he quickly left the area step by step.

In fact, he didn't have the slightest malice towards the people in the "Pink House". In a place like the Forty-eighth District, the life of the low-level Omega and Beta was indeed very difficult. He was a newcomer at the time, and he was almost taken there. Fortunately, the landlord rescued him later, otherwise his end might have been worse than it actually was. With such an experience, Su Liang knows better than anyone else that even the people in the " Pink House" have unspeakable difficulties.

Attracting customers is a skill they rely on for survival.

But tonight, for some reason, the person who found the "Pink House" greeted Lu Taipanshi.

Su Liang started to feel very uncomfortable for no reason.

Even... a little angry. It's just that even he himself couldn't tell whether this anger was aimed at himself, that young man, or Lu Taipan.

"That boy has a scar on the back of his neck."

Lu Taipan suddenly said beside Su Liang.

"I didn't dodge in time just to make sure of this." He firmly held Su Liang's hand back, with a sincere voice, "I'm sorry, I won't dare in the future. "

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