I try to convince myself I should feel the same unease around Ryder but it's really hard because all I want to do is trust him. I feel a bond maybe I have stock holm syndrome.

"Hey do you like dark chocolate?" Shawn asked I nodded.

"Well here," Shawn tossed me a bag of chocolates I looked at them in my lap and then pulled one out and unwrapped it.


Ryder didn't show back up till the sun was almost completely set which put a tinge of sadness in my gut almost like I was missing him he looked pretty tired and his hair was all ruffled.

I just wanted to reach up and touch it, it looked so adorable, I don't understand even at there most tired state boys can still manage to look hot.

New rule I am not allowed to call my captor hot even in my head this is insanity what is wrong with me I feel like the stupid girl in a horror movie.

I can't possibly be attracted to the guy who kidnapped me and stole me from my family I have to leave tonight. At two AM on the dot I'm leaving.

This time he won't catch me I don't know what I'll have to do I mean I think he is a pretty light sleeper he woke up this morning and I didn't do anything but move his arm.

I was on the far corner of the couch and the lights were dimmed I pretended I was asleep if he left me down here I d have clear way of escape.

No such luck even with my eyes shut I heard his heavy footsteps coming towards my end of the couch.

He squatted down in front of me and reached out and pushed some hair behind my shoulder
A tiny voice asked in the back of my head if maybe I should just stay here my life pretty much sucked before I got here.

Sure I'm a little scared around these people but I really don't have a reason to be they have respected me and... oh my gosh I think I'm on drugs like seriously I think I inhaled something or maybe there was something in that waffle cause I literally feel insane right now.

Part of my brain thinks living with my kidnapper is a great idea. I have to get out of here before they fry my brain.

I felt his strong arms scoop me up he picked me up bridal style somehow still managing to support my head.

He walked up the steps and then he laid me down on the bed Ryder walked towards the bathroom and I think my cold heart melted a little because all I can think right now is I wanna kiss his face. I looked at the alarm clock 9:06 this is going to be a long night.

I need to have as little of his body touching mine as possible I grabbed a pillow that had gotten kicked on the floor and held it to my body.

When Ryder came back out he climbed into bed he gave me a bit of a funny look I was acting like I had gotten woken up and was just getting comfy.

He laid down flat on his back probably thinking I'll cave again and go to him for warmth nope that was a one time thing out of desperation, I tell myself. It certainly wasn't because he smelled so good and all I can think about is kissing him or hugging him.

I laid flat on my back holding onto my pillow like it's my life line and I tried to snuggle up under the covers. I broke into a cold sweat the warmth coming off of Ryder in waves is like the crack sitting on the coffee table across from the addict.

I keep thinking maybe if I just lay with him for a minute or two then I could roll over and escape with less suspicion but I know that is just whatever drug I'm on telling me I need him it is truly bizarre.

I held onto the pillow for hours my legs practically twitching telling me to just swing over and snuggle with Ryder but my will is strong and it's held me off this long.

I looked up at Ryder's face. Asleep. I'm positive but the look on his face tells me he is unhappy must not be having great dreams, welcome to the club.

I looked over at the alarm clock it read 12:04
I know I said two but if I wait even half a minute more I will snuggle up to him it is like a tangible pull it's like a rope is slowly pulling me to him and I can't stop it so I took the pillow with the warm side down and pressed it to his arm and shoulder he quickly rolled on his side and wrapped his arm around it almost like he was subconsciously waiting for me to snuggle with him.

The second he relaxed completely I tip toed over to the closet and found a gray hoodie and some small-ish looking sneakers that would probably stay on my feet if I had to run.

I took one more look at him and all I wanted to do was go lay back down but I can't I need to get home and get off whatever drug is making me feel so attached to this man I barely know, so as quietly and quickly as I could I bolted.

I was down the steps in three seconds flat it was so fast my feet barely touched the stairs I didn't make a sound I went around the back of the house and found the same door.

I quickly pulled the hoodie over my head it smelled just like him. I hate myself for liking it so much I pulled the shoes on my feet, the shoes are pretty worn but they will work for my escape. I quietly opened the door.

Adrenaline flooding my system. The cold air hit my body even through the hoodie and I gasped I wanted to start shaking but I was not about to let the cold stop me after I got this far.

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