41 - shy; thomas shelby

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"It'll be fine Y/n, my brothers are not as scary as they seem." Ada laughed, opening the door. Y/n chuckled nervously as she followed her friend inside.

She had heard all sorts of things about the Shelby's, not everything good. They were known for their gang, brutal tortures and devilishly good looks. Funnily enough, she was most nervous because of the latter. Y/n had a tendency of being very awkward around handsome men.

"This is Y/n, she works at the library as well." Ada said, gesturing towards her. Y/n smiled shyly as she looked at the three men that stood in the room.

The rumours were true, they were ridiculously good looking.

"Pleasure to meet you." She softly said, a small smile playing on her lips.

The one that seemed to be the oldest stepped forwards, a kind smile on his face.

"Pleasures all ours, sweetheart. I'm Arthur." He boomed. Y/n smiled at him. Another one of them stepped forward, toothpick hanging from his mouth as he smirked, looking her up and down.

"John." He said, looking right into her eyes.

The last one walked up to her, hand stretched out. She grabbed it, and he pulled it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss to her knuckles.

"Thomas. Pleasure to meet a beautiful girl like you." He smiled at her, a blush rising to her cheeks. His blue eyes were piercing into her soul as he looked at her. Y/n felt her knees get weak at the stare he was giving her. She smiled shyly, breaking away from the intense gaze he held her in, turning to Ada.

"Tommy, stop flirting with my friend. Come on, let's go." Ada said, taking a hold of Y/n's hand. They walked outside again, a warm summer breeze meeting their skin as they walked towards The Garrison. "Just ignore Tommy, he has a tendency to flirt with every woman he meets."

"It's fine, he's rather sweet."

"Don't tell me you find him attractive." Ada said, a shocked look in her eyes. Y/n blushed deeply and Ada laughed. "You do, oh my gosh."

"Ada, sush!" She said, glancing at the three brothers that was walking a couple of feet behind. She caught Tommys eye, immediately looking away, a slight blush dusting her cheeks.

They arrived at The Garrison, two whiskey bottles and five glasses were placed in the small room reserved for the Shelby's. Y/n laughed nervously as Tommy sat down next to her, pouring the amber liquor in her glass.

"So Y/n, you work at the library ey? How do you like it there?" He asked, turning towards her, eyes burning into hers. She took a sip of the strong spirit, liking the courage it gave.

"Yeah, it's fine." She smiled, breaking the eye contact he was so determined to hold. "I like books." She internally cringed at herself at the phrase.

You work at a library Y/n, it would be odd if you didn't like books.

"Me too." Tommy said, flashing her a smile. "You get paid well?"

"No Tom, don't even try to pull her into your shit business." Ada groaned.

"It's fine, Ada." You gave her a look. "Not really." She turned to Thomas again.

"If you're interested, I'm currently looking for a secretary and I think you would do great." He said.

"Oh, um, I'm flattered Mr.Shelby bu-" Y/n suddenly felt nervous again.

"Tommy, please. You'll certainly get better paid than a librarian." He interrupted.

"Tommy." She tasted his name on her tongue. "I'll think about it." She smiled, he returned the gesture.

"Good girl, you do so."

The night went on, Y/n got more intoxicated by every moment that passed. She felt herself getting closer to the family, joking with them as they drank even more.

Moving out of the small room, Y/n walked towards the counter. Her head was spinning and she had realised that she needed some water. As she waited for the barman to pour a glass, an arm snaked around her waist. She tensed up at the sudden gesture, silently hoping that it was Tommy. But when she turned around she came face to face with an unknown man.

He smiled drunkenly at her, leaning in to kiss her, but she quickly moved out of his reach.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" She asked, leaning her head back to look at the man's face. He was rather handsome, but she had no idea who he was.

"Jonah." He leaned closer to her again, breath reeking of vomit and beer. She placed a hand on his chest, keeping him at somewhat of a distances. "Now, now, don't be difficult." He mused, sleazy grin on his lips, eyes droopy.

"I'm not interested, Jonah, so can you please back away." She grew irritated at the imbecile that didn't know his place. "Back. Away." She said as he didn't move.

"Now listen here you little cunt." His entire demeanour changed. "You're gonna come with me." He grabbed her wrist pulling her with him across the crowded floor.

All of a sudden, someone pressed between them, back turned towards her. She recognised him immediately, Tommy.

"It doesn't look like this lady is too interested in you." He said, staring the drunk down. "I suggest you let her go."

"Or what?" Jonah got close to Tommy, pushing himself against him. A hand around his throat quieted him down as he struggled to breath. Tommy kept his grip firm, staring Jonah down.

"Or I'm going to gut you alive." He said through gritted teeth. He let him go, Jonah bent over, gasping for air. "Now scatter, filthy rat." Tommy said, watching as the other man ran for the door. He turned towards her again, a somewhat worried look in his eyes.

"Tommy I-"

"Are you alright love, he hurt you?" He immediately asked, eyes grazing over her body for any injuries.

"No, no, I'm fine." She said, flustered by the gesture and pet name.

"You sure?" He looked into her eyes. Y/n nodded, giving him a slight smile. "Good." He said with a nod, clearing his throat.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No, I just-" He paused, eyes raking over her body, a different look in his eyes now, lust. "I just want to fuck you." He said, voice husky and eyes dark.

A sudden wash of confidence washed over her as she smirked, leaning closer to him as she spoke;

"Then let's get out of here."

word count; 1105

𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭 ☆ 𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now