Nancy sighed as she watched her friend. She felt terrible for the way she had spoken to her at the party. She knew how much those rumours had hurt Jennifer in the past and yet she, her best friend, used them against her.

"Look, Jen, I'm really, really sorry," Nancy began, biting her lip. "I was totally out of line at Tina's party and I should have never said those things to you. They aren't true, okay? I was drunk and mad and I had to take it out on someone and you just happened to be there- I know that isn't an excuse, but- I just... I'm so sorry, Jen,"

Jennifer had stopped her movements on the tarp and she now stood still, her hand resting on the wall in front of her. She soon climbed her way down the ladder and onto the ground before turning and engulfing Nancy in a bone-crushing hug.

"I'm so sorry, Jennifer," Nancy mumbled, her head buried in her friends neck.

Jen sniffled a little bit and nodded her head, unsure of what to say. She was so glad that Nancy had apologized, she couldn't bare to go one more day without having a best friend.

The two girls soon pulled away and looked at each other for a second. Both had tears building up in their eyes which caused them to laugh at each other.

"Thank god, we're okay," Jen chuckled, wiping her eyes. "Do you know how hard it was to hang out with Steve these past couple days?"

Nancy let out a chuckle and wiped her own eyes. "Yeah, I get it," she nodded. "I was stuck with Jonathan,"

"Oh, yeah?" Jen raised her eyebrows while she climbed back up the ladder. "How was your weekend getaway with Johnny, anyway?"

Nancys cheeks reddened and she looked away from the girl, causing Jens eyes to widen and her mouth to drop open.

"Nancy Wheeler!" she exclaimed, her hand coming up to her mouth. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Shh!" Nancy said, putting her hands out towards the girl. "Okay, we may have... um... you know?"

Jennifer thought for a second before she let out a loud half-laugh half-scream that people in the house would have heard.

"You and Jonathan screwed?" she whisper-yelled, looking at her friend with wide eyes.

"Okay, enough, I'm leaving," Nancy decided, her cheeks burning. "You can cut your own tape,"

"Oh, come on, Nance!"

Jonathan suddenly appeared at the door after Nancy left, causing Jennifer's smile to widen. "Jonathan Byers!" she exclaimed. "I didn't know you had it in you,"

Jonathan's eyebrows furrowed and he tilted his head at the girl, unsure of what she was talking about.



The entire shed had been "re-modelled" and now only a select few people were out there with Will. The leftover people included Jen, Steve, Nancy, Dustin, Lucas, and Max.

Jenny and Steve were sat on the couch, Steve playing around with his bat while Jennifer sat wide-eyed, thinking of what was currently happening in the shed.

"God, I hope they figure out a way to get that thing out of him," she muttered, running a hand through her hair.

"Hey, they will," Steve assured her, setting his bat down. "They're smart,"

Steve wrapped an arm around the girls shoulders and pulled her closer to her, resulting in her resting her head on his shoulder.

"You know, I'm glad you're here," Jen admitted, unaware of how Steve's eyes widened when she said this. "I don't know if I could've handled those dogs or those kids without you,"

Come Together - Steve Harrington [1]Where stories live. Discover now