"I'm so glad that it's late and nobody will see me whip like a little kid. You are so good for this world, Iris. I'll try to do that." 

He tried and he managed to catch up with some of his old friends. When he came back home, he was excited. He said to his mother and I that he felt like his old self again. 

By the end of our stay there, I came to the conclusion that the relationship you have with your old town will never go away even if you move thousands of miles away and become someone known, someone who is rich enough to buy the whole town and destroy it piece by piece. You will always feel like home there. Some of the buildings hold your biggest secrets, your favorite memories, your first love. Others hold your tears, your cries for help but somehow you always feel safe there. I mean if you grew up on a safe environment like Harry and I, you feel like that. These roads will always be known, they will always remind you of you. It's a bittersweet memory, it's the one place you left but it will never leave you because that is the place that made you who you are today. 

I am suppose to be working right now but my mind is running miles again. Harry is away touring Europe and I'm stuck in Los Angeles. I was able to stay until his concerts in Wembley in London. Being the boss's girlfriend has its perks sometimes. I never stopped working of course. I was just in another country and not in my office. The other staff probably hates me now that I'm thinking about that. 

Wembley nights were a dream. Saying that Harry was excited to sing in front of 90,000 people is an understatement. He was telling Emma again and again about the other time he performed in that stadium with One Direction. The little monster broke his heart when she asked him who One Direction is. He proceeded to explain that he used to be in a band and they even listened to some of the songs. My daughter can proudly say that she is Steal My Girl's biggest fan. 

Emma is so in love with Harry. She demands to call him more times than before. She misses Oliver as well. The dog is staying at Anne's because we aren't going to be in Los Angeles for a long time. After tour, Harry and I decided to spend the month August in London. We loved how we were there and I think it was good for Emma's mental health as well. We are going to come back when it is time for him to start touring America again and Emma to go back to school. 

I think that we have found the perfect school for the little honey. He only calls Emma that now, completely abandoning the nickname baby honey for me. He just calls me honey. I love it as much, though. Well, Harry, Tonya and I found the perfect school for Emma. Millie is going to go there as well because Chris and Patrick find the other school toxic as well. I don't know what William will do with Ethan but I informed him. He continues to hit on me even though he knows I'm in a serious relationship. 

"Iris." Molly tells me and I jump a little. "Where is your mind these days, girl?" She asks rhetorically. "No. Don't answer, I know where it is. How are you?" 

"I'm fine. I miss him like crazy but I manage. We haven't been apart for that long ever again." 

"There's only a couple of weeks until he's home." She tells me and it's true. 

We are currently on mid-July so I'm going to see Harry in a two weeks exactly. "I know. Emma misses him too." 

"Oh, the father-daughter dynamic." She says and then looks at me with wide eyes. "Sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that. It's like I'm invading your privacy." She tries to apologise. 

"Don't worry. I can tell why you are thinking of that." 

"They are really close. I mean, I've seen Harry with other kids but he doesn't have a bond with any of them. He loves you and your child so much." I nod but before I get to reply, someone knocks the door of my office. Jessica comes in with two coffees at hand. 

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