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                  Johny a.k.a Blondie

                      Shopping. Why is it always shopping? He'd rather fall into a pit of venomous snakes then continue walking through the mall strip any longer. But it was out of the question.

Not only would it be impossible to find a pit of misery, but it'd be insane to dip out on his sisters' Christmas shopping.

"What do you think?" Tyler asked, running up to him. She was holding a pink cashmere sweater. It was exotic, and glistened under the store lighting.


She crossed her arms, and snorted."It's not for me dummy".

Right. Vicky's the one with the pink fetish. Tyler Or was it green?

I can't keep track of these girls anymore.

"Do you think Vick will like it?" Tyler asked with hopeful eyes.

Johny mirrored his little sister's earlier agression. He snorted. "Course she will".

"Yes!" Tyler smiled to herself. "I should get her a matching doll sweater too, for Daniesha".

"Knock yourself out".

She sped off to the back of the store giggling.

Johny let out a sigh. All this running around was giving him a headache. He was somewhat greatful that his responsibility had gone down to only one girl. Daniela, and Racheal were off with Hannah and Vicky.

And Caleb was on his own.

Walking to the back of the store Johny took a seat against the wall while Tyler searched through the doll clothes. Her concentrated face was a mini version of their mother's. It was trippy.

"Hay Johny?"

He hummed in response.

"Do you think mum will be home for Christmas?"


Her giddy expression dropped a bit. He felt bad, but not by much. Truth was, their mum was going to be home for Christmas. She was also planning a huge surprise for the younger ones. The less he said, the less they became suspicious.

"Have you found a shirt for Daniesha yet?" He asked, changing the subject.

She quickly held up a little pink sweater. "Yes".

"Let's go check out. I bet everyone's already waiting on us in the food court".



"What took you so long?" Racheal asked when Johny, and Tyler finally joined the group.

"You can't rush pristine shopping". Tyler answered.

Nice one Ty.

Racheal chuckled at her. "I guess not".

When the girls were occupied with their Chinese food the older three slipped off to another table.

"Is it just me, or is Nick ghosting everyone?" Racheal asked.

"He hasn't been in touch since Sam showed up". Daniela huffed. She dropped her chin into her hands.

"He needs to get over that guy".

"How in the hell do you get over a high school sweetheart?" Johny questioned with sarcasm.

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